Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] she [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If she wants to find her relatives , I suggest that she looks in the villages .
2 Going to Libya in 1988 , Jousiffe — her name is English , possibly of French origin and not Middle Eastern in spite of its sound — found that she suffered from the negative influence she had absorbed and thought : ‘ I wo n't enjoy this .
3 Each goal is planned for a week but some may possibly require longer ; our dieter will have to take extra time if it is taking her body longer to adjust than she anticipates at the start .
4 The woman 's high colour deepened and she fumbled with the up of wine .
5 Well as I say I went out and erm I thought , well Jill phoned and she said at the time my mum had got a boy that was sleeping rough down the sandpits .
6 For instance , when Paris designated the wanton APHRODITE as the most beautiful of the goddesses , Hera 's morals were affronted and she arranged for the Trojan Wars to occur as just recrimination for the slight .
7 Should I lay them on the doorstep and vamoose before she responded to the bell ?
8 And I 'm not sure , I ca n't remember which , I do n't know whether she started on the bottom or the bottom I 've a feeling she may be did n't start on the bottom actually
9 She always felt unnerved when she researched at the august Victoria and Albert Museum and became only too conscious of her lack of formal training .
10 Leonora bristled as she marched into the other room , realising she 'd expected murmurs of appreciation to greet her offering .
11 Eva grumbled as she stood in the cold , carrying her case .
12 There was something about the atmosphere of a theatre that never failed to stir her blood , Shannon mused as she walked along the corridors .
13 Anne Hopper winced as she looked at the remains of the bullock lying on the large wooden worktop in the prison kitchen .
14 Her voice was muffled when she crawled under the oilcloth-covered table to search for Quimper bits .
15 Anne exclaimed as she came into the .
16 They all agreed that she fell off the bridge .
17 And there was scarcely a shirt to be found that did not have the high necks and ruffles that she favoured in the early days .
18 With an increase of bland courtesy he insists that she stay in the car while he talks to the girl behind the Reception desk .
19 She recalled that she had at the time been a little put out by the prince 's interest in Joan — but now the important thing was to persuade Joan to join in the festivities and bring her a first-hand report .
20 Rose , for her part , thought that McAllister talked funny , and when Sally-Anne had told her that she came from the United States of America she had stared at her as though she had said that she came from the moon .
21 Seven-thirty came and she glanced through the curtains to see if she could see your car drawing up .
22 His lips twisted and she waited for the inevitable cynical response , but surprisingly it did n't come .
23 For a Royal tour she always used to pull out the stops and literally shop until she dropped for the occasion .
24 She should have got something to drink while she waited for the chemist but she had n't thought of it then .
25 Turning from him , she pulled her blanket up to her shoulders and tried to recline her seat , frowning as she hunted for the button .
26 Fran glanced back at the heap of cuttings , frowning as she sorted through the pile .
27 Penry stood at the foot of the stairs , frowning as she plugged in the transistor to listen to Radio Four while she ate .
28 The floor tiles were cold but she hardly noticed as she tiptoed to the door and looked into the kitchen .
29 Often she would leave him unkissed at the Rectory gate and forget to wave when she went inside the house .
30 She had managed , nevertheless , to seize a few moments with the erstwhile companion when the gentlemen returned , for Araminta had at once gone over to greet Mr Saul Quatt , who had , at her request , presided over the service in the local church — much to the chagrin of its incumbent , whose ruffled feathers Mrs Alderley had been obliged to smooth when she heard of the plan from him .
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