Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] they [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Women workers who were covered by national insurance found that they tended to be submitted to strict surveillance by national health insurance visitors because of the unexpectedly large number of sickness claims .
2 Some have been toppled , and some are so eroded that they appear to be nothing more than wind-scoured boulders .
3 By about 1000 BC much smaller cattle began to appear and they came to be called the Celtic oxen , their different skull shape giving rise to the term Bos brachyceros or Bos longifrons , though they were not in fact of a separate species but members of the Bos taurus species like other longhorns and shorthorns in temperate regions .
4 With the tension reaching boiling point , it was finally announced that the French officials had allowed the result to stand and they had to be applauded for a sporting decision .
5 wh I remember that when I was at home it was a mixed sort of meeting in which some of the people from the village were coming who you did n't really know but they had to be asked
6 Arm and back heights too , can be varied since they have to be built separately in the first place , and there is almost always a large range of covers available for the choosing within the price range .
7 Students may use this form to indicate whether they wish to be awarded a certificate or DipHE as a terminal or intermediate award and may even indicate the order in which their two fields are to be listed on their transcript and CNAA parchment .
8 Students use Form M39 to indicate whether they wish to be awarded a BA or BSc should there be a choice because they are taking two neutral fields or a combination of arts and science fields .
9 She says that they need to be fed every two hours or so .
10 Paddy quickly took command , but with most of their gear missing and two men so badly injured that they had to be left behind , there was nothing for it but to try to make the rendezvous with the LRDG .
11 Although slides and photos have been the traditional medium , and are widely accepted as substitutes for the landscape ( Shuttleworth , 1980b ) , Kreimer ( 1977 ) has also argued that they need to be put more fully into their context .
12 What would happen is that the physiotherapist would actually train the mother to do it , she would show her what exercises need to be done and they have to be done almost constantly , several times a day and whenever there 's a spare moment , so therefore it 's not feasible for it to be done in a hospital is it ?
13 I hate to think what we 'd do if they had to be replaced .
14 Like all other words , like the word ‘ jargon ’ itself , the technical terms are changed with use : corrupted , as they are used more and more cavalierly : enriched , as their origins are taken more and more for granted and they begin to be used as metaphors .
15 Students at that time could apparently choose when they wished to be examined ( after the continental custom ) as there was no fixed examination schedule as we know it .
16 As a result of these additional responsibilities , an increasing number of companies will wish to have properly drafted contracts and may wish to inspect disposal sites where their waste goes if they want to be perceived as ‘ environmentally friendly ’ and be assured of complying with the duty of care .
17 ESP felt that a third option should be available — to clean and test the pumps , to see if they needed to be repaired or whether they were still usable .
18 Any erm deficiency at the end of the financial year was made up by a rate demand , erm so i the it was n't the same in all municipal undertakings , some of them were allowed to carry forward their balances but Ipswich , whether it was erm , er by law or er a , oh I do n't know what it be , perhaps needed that they got to be , the erm balance of the year had to be balanced at the end of the year , so you had a rate demand and of course that rate demand went on to the next year 's rates .
19 It is assumed to be adversarial , whether the couple feel adversarial or not , whether or not they have specifically agreed that they want to be sensibly amicable .
20 They cost about we reckon seventeen to twenty five pounds to buy and they have to be fitted to a door one and three quarter inches thick .
21 Maturities vary but they tend to be longer than those for conventional stocks ; only three of the 13 stocks outstanding at end-September , 1991 had maturity dates before the end of the century and several still had terms to maturity in excess of 20 years .
22 Skills people bring in are not necessarily the ones they will use as they have to be trained in the needs of the business .
23 Selectors should also avoid books which are so tightly bound that they have to be held forcibly open .
24 Putting more money into the taxi part scheme , a scheme that is anything but everybody in the surrounding authorities , how many of us have had letters from the residents of Gerton or Promberton or wherever else complaining that they want to be included in this scheme .
25 Some adults make the choice to live on their own after they have tried various shared living arrangements and discovered that they prefer to be in control of their own life and make their own rules .
26 520 that the Crown Prosecution Service can be bound if they consent to be bound .
27 Most toddlers experience a severe shaking of the foundations when the next child is born and they cease to be the baby .
28 I followed because they seemed to be doing all right . ’
29 They must decide whether they want to be part of the decaying apartheid system or part of a new South Africa . ’
30 Well , from Cizek 's point of view , it is much better that they should draw as they know to be , than for him to show them by means of perspective how to draw the house as it is seen by the camera 's eye .
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