Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] you [am/are] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But once the Jaguar had moved away she turned to Theresa and said in a voice of surprising gentleness : ‘ Does your father know that you 're out alone ? ’
2 But you will let them know that you 're there like and I mean that
3 I think you are the boldest man I ever met with , but sir , surely you ought to know that you are not now in the Haymarket .
4 I think she should be the first to know that you are now officially my girlfriend . ’
5 Certainly from the moment you land you realise that you are no longer on familiar ground .
6 ‘ You 're forthright , strong , ’ Claire said , ‘ capable of great things , like most Aries women , but right now I sense that you 're not particularly happy , and certainly there 's some indication that a lot of your unique drive has been squandered away .
7 ‘ It 's just that he worries if you are n't here .
8 One of the great things about watching a good comedy show or film is that people around you start laughing and you are much more likely to join in .
9 ‘ In fact there is nothing to know unless you are extremely well acquainted with Mademoiselle Bryant .
10 The road to follow up into the low hills is marked with the sign ‘ Coteaux de Jurançon ’ , though it is also quite easy to lose once you are up there ; but when vineyards are so thin on the ground as it were in this part of the country , there is every reason to get briefly lost amongst them .
11 If you are elderly or disabled , your doctor can probably arrange for the district nurse and/or health visitor to visit to see that you are all right .
12 To see that you are all right . ’
13 ‘ Actually she — she sent me to see that you are all right because — after all — you 're her late husband 's son and — and … ’
14 Studying these should ensure that you are not completely ignorant of the scope , length , format and demands of what you are trying to do .
15 They show that you 're not just a ‘ browser ’ , but are serious — and you 'll get a lot more help as a result .
16 I will assume that you are not completely unfit and can cope with the demands of normal training .
17 But what happens if you 're not financially secure , is that you 're off work with a heart attack , you 're rushing back to work because you need your income .
18 That 's what he 's doing in the kitchen washing the , cos Paul says if you 're back late I 'll be having my dinner before you come , I says okay .
19 And what do you do if you 're not very mobile and fall out with the only GP or practice in the village ? ’
20 But it does no harm to remember while you are there why this is such graceful countryside .
21 Ensure that you are not so near the microphone that it picks up every sound including heavy breathing and muttered asides .
22 Certain individuals may have overstepped the mark and still seem to imagine that you are either too insecure or emotionally confused to retaliate , but you will achieve a great deal more by remaining aloof this month , especially around the 4th and 15th when the Sun is challenged by Neptune and Saturn .
23 Nevertheless , she prevaricated as she said , ‘ Aunt Bertha has often thought of you — wondering if you 're all right — ’
24 If you are not , you may be heading for potential losses which could have been avoided and you are almost certainly not trading as effectively or profitably as you should !
25 I suggest that the figures you 've got before you are not terribly , terribly useful , and that you do invite domiciliary health to come back to you for three months to talk to you about their work in terms of the visits , the visits that they do .
26 not ideal so we say to you it 's not ideal so the supervisor , so you have to say to , this has got ta be sorted , this is not ideal , this is n't gon na work when you 're not here .
27 I know that you are here within ,
28 ‘ It will be a few years , ’ they said , ‘ before we know that you 're really all right . ’
29 Remember that you are not only burning up calories while you walk , but your increased metabolic rate will keep burning up calories when you finish walking .
30 To those who did agree to sell , but now find their acceptance forms are being returned to them , I can only hope that you are not too disappointed at being involuntarily back on the winning side !
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