Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] he [modal v] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'd better go and help him unpack or he 'll bite my head off . ’
2 She felt like that fish caught by the curlew , one part of her praying that he would spit her out again , the other , perversely , longing for him to swallow her up .
3 A fifteen-year-old in grey flannel wandering around London in school holidays with an adolescent 's apocalyptic vision , praying that he would lose his virginity before the bombs came and blasted him to oblivion .
4 We talk about London and Grand Isle , and all the while I am praying that he will ask us on his boat .
5 That way , a business man making an investment would know that he would get his money back within four years .
6 She did n't doubt that he would find her .
7 He promised that He would build his church .
8 On Oct. 16 the Romanian National Assembly approved by 324 votes to seven the new Council of Ministers proposed by Prime Minister-designate Theodor Stolojan , who undertook to accelerate reforms and promised that he would continue his political neutrality and would not stand in the forthcoming ( 1992 ) elections .
9 But Mr Chirac promised that he would give his full support to the government , expressing criticism only in private to Mr Balladur .
10 And she had half expected that he would follow her and continue the argument .
11 If a man was lucky enough to get a job it was expected that he would use his position to find jobs for others in his family or village .
12 Formally but icily they replied that they " do not desire to interfere with any views which he may have towards improving his position in life , but they expect that he will give them six months ' notice of his intention to resign the mastership of the School " .
13 Hope had written an evasive reply which he would frank and give to George Wood to post for him but he doubted that he could deter him for much longer .
14 After a closer inspection of the young man , I doubted that he could help anyone .
15 Einstein found that he could extend his equation in only one way , by adding a term so that where A is a universal constant called the cosmological constant .
16 ‘ My own kind , ’ she replied , and getting ready to put a few questions from her list , she paused to smile — and found that he could find his questions faster .
17 They went along with the feeling that Tony should have a non-residential supervision order but strongly recommended that he should change his school .
18 If he just wants that he can have it .
19 The assembled friends were told by Brendan Bracken in tones of wonderment that Churchill — that great Francophile — had rung to bellow that he would watch them die without a qualm if they ‘ ratted on Poland as they had ratted on Czechoslovakia , ’ while Bob Boothby told them repeatedly how he had exhorted Winston to ‘ break Chamberlain and take his place ’ .
20 Tom did not know if he would have them .
21 Let me borrow your coat a minute , I jus , I do n't know if he 'll do it , he usually does it if you 're wearing something like that coat .
22 A pro forma invoice may be sent before goods are delivered : if the customer is a new one and the manufacturer does n't know if he will pay his bills ; or if the goods are being sent on approval and may later be returned to the manufacturer .
23 The Commissioner will let you know if he can investigate your complaint further .
24 In fact , had he four Mohammed Ali arms I doubted if he 'd know what to do with a paintbrush , or with a toothbrush for that matter .
25 I do n't know but he used to drive it .
26 I resigned from the family planning about seven years ago when my husband retired , as I say because he used to help me very much and when he retired and my children had all married I felt it was time that I should retire too .
27 ‘ You want to know whether he can survive his sentence ? ’
28 He was wanting to know whether he could expect you for lunch . ’
29 So he had the Sierra and he said I do n't know whether he 'll want it for , it could be sort of three or four weeks if they 're gon na repair his car or if we can get one within the company like at another depot obviously they 'll get that for him rather than hire one off you .
30 I did n't know whether he could pull it off .
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