Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] it had [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually , on Feb. 25 , the Israeli Foreign Ministry disclosed that it had formally requested additional US military aid worth US$1,000 million to offset defence costs incurred as a result of the crisis .
2 The arguments centred on scheduling , with Serbia and Montenegro insisting that referendums should take place in each republic at the same time and with the same questions , Croatia announcing that it had already scheduled its referendum for May 19 , Macedonia asking for a postponement of the deadline to mid-June , and Bosnia-Hercegovina suggesting that the referendum should take place in two stages .
3 UNITA , which had unilaterally downgraded the status of its delegation shortly before the talks , further claimed that it had already made concessions including the recognition of the ruling MPLA as a political party , and of President dos Santos as head of state .
4 She knew that she had pushed her dreadful experience away , had refused to be broken , had tried to pretend that it had never happened .
5 Prime would neither confirm nor deny the report but noted that it had long indicated in Securities & Exchange Commission filings that it was ‘ exploring financial activities , including capital market transactions . ’
6 A report by COSLA officials recalled that it had already raised the issue of unfair profit-making from second right-to-buy purchases under housing defects legislation , but ministers had refused to agree to make any changes .
7 It allows me to savour the end of the conflict , to enjoy it in a way I could not have done if it had really happened , that is if a few words had been exchanged , spoken with difficulty through the barbed-wire taboos that separate people in so-called intimate relationships .
8 She could n't believe that it had all stopped , the misery , the anguish , the self-recrimination .
9 The Swiss company Acher Partners admitted its involvement , but claimed that it had simply arranged the contract on behalf of Progresso of Italy , while the latter denied any involvement in illegal activities .
10 Acher claimed that it had merely arranged the contract on behalf of Progresso , but representatives of the latter denied involvement in illegal activities .
11 Subsequently , the GLC showed that it had indeed become more marginal than the previous LCC and control fluctuated between the Labour and Conservative parties .
12 Language itself , he said , would cease to function as it had always functioned , it would only be a strange dead thing , smouldering perhaps , but burnt out , no longer conveying any meaning .
13 He put the fleeting temptation aside , surprised that it had even occurred to him .
14 On Sept. 24 the Deputy Prime Minister , Tariq Aziz , justified the detention of the team , saying that it had wrongfully seized personnel records .
15 But London Ambulance Service categorically denied that it had plans to cut off phone lines , saying that it had only authorised one disconnection at Park Royal Ambulance Station , West London , because crews had locked themselves in .
16 Richard 's Johnson , obedient to the pressed button , came to life at once , and she saw that it had never occurred to him that it might n't .
17 Studying the map back at the motor cycle , he saw that it had once carried what was now that branch of the Makaa River which flowed down the valley below the track up to the President 's cabin .
18 Even from the shore I could tell that it had half strangled itself in a length of fishing line ; it was also hooked up in several places and carrying some heavy land weights .
19 The Council felt that it had only achieved a limited success in achieving the aims determined above .
20 While the government later indicated that it had merely given drafting assistance , it is abundantly clear that its influence on the Bill was much more than one would normally associate with drafting assistance .
21 I should have been discharged earlier but I had developed a cold and they insisted I stay until it had completely cleared up .
22 The Sopade reports also centred on the implications of the speech for war or peace , but , in contrast to internal reports , asserted that it had substantially increased the fears in Germany of war in the near future .
23 The specimen shown has both its original valves preserved , and looks today much as it did when it had just died .
24 He said that it had already led to the curtailment of five drilling contracts with thousands of potential job losses .
25 He tried to argue , but everyone in the room knew that the battle was lost before it had even begun .
26 Susan Tilley patted her impeccable coif and conceded that it had all turned out really well , and smiled her friendly , competent smile .
27 In contrast , the DIA 's covert activities had never been compromised and it had never become embroiled in public controversy .
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