Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] it [be] [not/n't] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes it is omitted where it is historically expected to be present , and sometimes it is added where it is not expected .
2 Editor , — Fritz H Schröder rightly emphasises that it is not known whether treatment of early prostatic cancer is beneficial or whether screening for the disease offers any advantage .
3 Second , sealing the border with Serbia would be unlikely to work if it were not accompanied by the simultaneous sealing of the border with Croatia : the Bosnian Serbs , already talking to the Croats about a confederal division of the spoils ( see page 46 ) , would get their supplies from Croatia , and the Croats — never mind their signatures on the Vance-Owen plan — would anyway continue their military campaign for territory .
4 The point is this : trust is only applauded when it is not seen to be misplaced .
5 A closer interpretation is necessary in family work , with the counsellor focusing on the statement rather than passing it off or trying to pretend that it was not said , seeking to analyse and ascertain what exactly was being said , why is was said , and what the real message might be .
6 We must be grateful to those who did visit the island and for ever regret that it was not included in Dr. Johnson 's itinerary .
7 We must be grateful to those who did visit the island and for ever regret that it was not included in Dr. Johnson 's itinerary .
8 The historic deepening process of the Community was foreseen from the outset , which is why those who commended it to the country 20 or 30 years ago took care to see that it was not misunderstood .
9 If the boy had a ‘ gift ’ then it was everyone 's duty to see that it was not wasted .
10 Thus a member that protests from the outset of institutional action that is not sanctioned by the constitutive treaty should be able to claim that it is not bound by that action .
11 States that ‘ the process of environmental assessment should not be imposed where it is not required by the Directive ’ and gives guidance on the circumstances in which it should be used .
12 The purchaser should ensure that it is not restricted from issuing notices of assignment by any of the announcement or confidentiality restrictions in the sale and purchase agreement .
13 Should this not be taken into account , and does it not appear that it is not taken into account in the voluntary code ?
14 First , he assumes that it is not correlated with permanent consumption .
15 The extent of the duty to state reasons thus varies according to the nature and context of the measure in question , and it may be said that it is not required to go into matters of detail to a disproportionate extent .
16 They have , of course , heard about the Holy Spirit , but have either put it all down to typical ecclesiastical in-talk , or assumed that it was not intended for ordinary folk like themselves .
17 He says if it 's not cut down it literally chokes the jungle and so every four or five years the mangrove is cut and then it grows again like a blackthorn or hawthorn hedge would grow .
18 Whereas before I used to say let's do this or that and worry if it was n't done , now I 've decided that I 'm really not going to worry about the garden any more .
19 In about February 1991 Mr. Mahdi had been proclaimed President of Somalia by the U.S.C. It was not clear on what basis such an assumption of office could be made and it was not accepted by the other clans .
20 That that 's not much but if it 's if it 's I mean if it 's not padded out with waffle and drivel cos you I mean if it 's a good ti concise answer that 'll probably get a good mark .
21 British Telecommunications Plc says that the bid by AT&T Co to operate in the UK could speed liberalisation of the key North Atlantic telecommunications route , and reckons that the matter could be settled within months ; AT&T says that it would much preferred to have entered the UK market with a local partner but saw no prospect of that ( it had been negotiating with Cable & Wireless Plc for a stake in Mercury Communications Ltd ; meanwhile each side throws regulatory brickbats at the other , with AT&T complaining that it has to deal — on a confidential basis — with British Telecom on interconnect and access charges where in the US , charges are much lower and have to be applied within the operator 's own business as well — and that simply applying for a licence in the UK costs $70,000 against just $610 in the US ; British Telecom complains that it was n't allowed to increase its 20% stake in McCaw Cellular Communications Inc and achieve a management position — and likely would be barred from buying MCI Communications Inc , where AT&T would be free to buy Vodafone Group Plc — or even Mercury , outright , if it wanted to .
22 Ministry of Agriculture specialists confirm that it is not required under EC law .
23 The divider sheets are not necessarily replaced when new statutes are added , so look for a recent statute in its proper chronological place , and if necessary check with the cumulative supplement before deciding that it is not included .
24 one hand goes one way , one hand goes the other , break it open , put the cardboard away and you need to be ready to try before you pull the next bit off do n't you because as soon as you 've opened that it 's not sterilized any more , so you open that up and you find , unwrap it
25 Yes , now you , you played stuff just as difficult as this , and there 's no , no problem , do n't do it too quickly though , and , I do n't mind if it 's not finished next week , or the week after , it 's the quality we want , so , so , do n't , do n't rush it .
26 Engineers already knew this , just as we know that the refrigerator will not work if it is not plugged in ; but Carnot 's achievement , when recognized after a quarter of a century , allowed theoretical understanding and in the end further advance in practice .
27 One result of this difference of reference is that it is possible to construct sentences which will be analytic or contradictory on the one interpretation but not on the other : ( 11 ) Nikolai offered us the message decoded but it was not decoded when he offered it to us 4.2 One curious feature about these adjectives is that they somehow seem to modify not only the noun which they accompany but simultaneously the verb as well ; if this is a genuine observation it will be surprising on general grounds , since it would be decidedly abnormal in syntax for one element to simultaneously qualify two different items .
28 The field was limited but it was not limited solely to Lady Diana Spencer .
29 It might look at the purpose of the rule , and imply a term which , though not amending the rule , supplemented it sufficiently to change its emphasis — perhaps by holding that it was not meant to apply after the introduction of the cash-settled contracts .
30 Prior to consideration of each individual Short Course , it should be noted that it is not intended to give a developed version at this point .
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