Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [vb base] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Are you sick of all your food not turning into what you want or have you lost your appetite ? ’ introduced the presenter , ‘ Well , why do n't you try ‘ fat in five seconds ’ .
2 Can I put it another way to you , that if houses are provided for people who have migrated from West Yorkshire to North Yorkshire , that the failure to provide for employment of an equivalent level , because I well appreciate we are not going to stop Mr Laycock driving or commute I beg your pardon commuting each day from Harrogate to Leeds , that failure failure to provide an adequate level of employment for those new residents would be contrary to the advice in P P G twelve and P P G 14 about reducing the need to travel ?
3 To secure that aim we want it to be a condition of sale to any private operator that pension conditions are preserved through the existing pension fund schemes .
4 that professionals may acquire amounts of power and influence that enable them to determine their own activities .
5 His mother looked nervously at them as they came in long after dark — she was obdurately against the recalling of ‘ the bad old times ’ and she would neither ask them what they had seen nor let them tell her .
6 I will not dwell upon them but will re-emphasise what has already been said and ask you to give us all your support .
7 Just relax and let me love you .
8 It needs to be done but do you know what I mean , if you do n't your important things on time they become urgent
9 In addition to using these queries directly , you may make a copy of the SQL command files and extend and/or customise them to suit your own needs .
10 But now , before I finish and let you commence something more enjoyable , I will do my best to answer any questions you may have . ’
11 He watched the engineer go , and then turned and let them take him up to the wall-walk , and down into the beleaguered city where , once , the Genoese had planned to keep him hostage while his company fought for Carlotta .
12 We will explain why you mishit and help you to rid your game of these destructive shots .
13 of course until they notify and get it exempted which is always opened to do it 's always been opened of course to notify an answer when they get a bit of clearance should of been
14 Not sure what to expect but suffice it to say I found it worthwhile and stimulating
15 No , it 's called a cork , cork , you feel it Victoria and tell me what do you think , you think that 's gon na sink or do you think it 's gon na float ?
16 Whenever I am working with someone I know and trust I ask them for a quick trim .
17 Yeah I know and have you seen his tie ?
18 Yes I know but do you eat it or do you just put it in to flavour it ?
19 I know but do you know what , do know what I reckon
20 ‘ Shall I be mother and pour or d' you want me to disappear while you two talk Jockey Club business . ’
21 Need it be a matter of wonder , when we see her capable of such restraint in general , that she should retire within herself and exercise that control we find her continually exerting over all her thoughts and actions the more energetically at a time when she is taught that a stray thought of desire would be impurity and its fruition pollution .
22 She grunted and let him help her sit .
23 Well er I went when I was when I went first went and do you know I went into the to the place and do you know I run away from the place .
24 You can either reproduce it in its entirety ; adapt and expand it to accommodate your impulse purchases ; or simply extract from it , to put into other planting schemes , the plants that take your fancy .
25 We are constantly talking to the press try and persuade them to give us more coverage .
26 But they were then held in remand in prison , and did n't really know how to defend themselves , so this project will be sending lawyers into the Long Houses of the indigenous peoples , trying to educate them about the process of Malaysian law , and work it into their system of customary law , which is known as ADAT , whereby within the Long House , all the community leaders and the members within the community debate disputes over land rights , the forest , the use of it , and try and get them to use their customary law with a knowledge of the Malaysian legal process in order to form associations and fight being thrown into prison because they 're trying to defend the forest .
27 Their tales of legendary warriors and kings , Roland , Guillaume d'Orange , Arthur and Charlemagne , of their great conquests and their deeds of arms and chivalry , were meant to stir the hearts of all who listened and move them to live their own lives according to the pattern set by the heroes of the past .
28 This month we guide you through some of the best 486-based PCs we 've reviewed and help you decide which one is best for you .
29 She smiled and let him have his way .
30 We auc we auctioned the books after as you know and erm so I I 'll have to make a new list of what 's left and let you have it .
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