Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [noun prp] [be] [verb] into " in BNC.

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1 Despite the outspoken warning by the Scottish parliament , and the reiteration of it by his own envoy , Sadler , he continued to demand that Mary be given into his keeping immediately .
2 In the light of what was to follow , it could be argued that Scapula was panicked into rash measures , excusable only as military necessities , but their effect on the Britons was to be as deplorable for them as for Rome .
3 During the European witch hunts , thousands of women were tortured and murdered when woman-as-Eve was transformed into woman-as-witch .
4 As 1989 ends , it is tempting to imagine that Europe is emerging into a wholly new identity , governed by peace not war , common aspirations rather than sectional concerns .
5 David Fishlock , science editor of the Financial Times , told me that the FT ‘ took it seriously ’ because of being told that Harwell was looking into it .
6 This was seen as a reference to the attitude of China which indicated it might withdraw if Taiwan were admitted into the group .
7 I stand in the early darkness and watch as Crilly is bundled into the back of the red and white van and taken away , siren silent but the bright lights flashing .
8 General Schwarzkopf demanded that JSTARS be rushed into service for Desert Storm after he had seen the system tested in a NATO exercise .
9 An HSE document proposes that GMAG be turned into ACGM — an Advisory Committee for Genetic Manipulation under the direct responsibility of the HSE .
10 After Helen 's experience the family had insisted that Anne was booked into a hospital and she entered Mill Road a day before the birth .
11 ‘ I 'm sorry to have to say that Anthony is turning into an absolute bastard .
12 Secondly , the film suggests that Walter is thrown into a harrowing situation because his parents are dead , compounding the fears of many people that if they had a mentally handicapped child , there would be no-one to look after him or her if they died .
13 Official figures released today prove that Britain is locked into the longest recession since the Second World War .
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