Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [adv] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The appearance in the Tripoli courtroom of the two suspects , Abdel Baset Ali Mohammed al-Megrahi and al-Amin Khalifa Fhimah , disproved persistent US suggestions that they had been hidden or even executed by the Libyan authorities .
2 Provided there is no physically damaging effect , it would seem that what is seen , said , done , heard or physically felt by the mother has no effect whatever , but that emotional factors during pregnancy can have good or bad effect .
3 The government also announced that it would be selling shares in enterprises owned or partly owned by the state and would be asking others to sign performance contracts .
4 There is an important stage at which the person-centred world is superseded or rather supplemented by the world of which the person is one part .
5 It must NOT be deleted or otherwise removed by the Hard Copy Manager .
6 The dominant culture may well be one that has been fostered or actively imposed by the Organisation in the person of its managers .
7 If , as seems likely , the trend continues for the curricular domination of individual subjects to be supplemented or indeed replaced by a more fluid organization of learning in terms of either modular units or work-related competencies , this is also likely to strengthen the support for records of achievement with or without a component of external examination .
8 Strictly speaking , these refer to dreams where you are pursued and eventually overpowered by a monster .
9 It was attacked and badly damaged by a patrolling Hurricane , Flt.Lt .
10 This common misconception is fostered and perhaps shared by a great many retailers .
11 Then our eyes will be firmly caught and firmly held by a bent female figure hurrying in through the door and across the room towards us .
12 The attempt of one of the leaders concerned to implement these extreme tactics resulted in his being caught and summarily executed by the local military commander .
13 Officers are fed up with seeing offenders caught and then released by the court .
14 There is a less obvious reason for having doubts about the value of the rank-ordering permitted and indeed encouraged by the STV .
15 The aim , of course , is to have education dominated and totally controlled by the massive central bureaucracy of the Department of Education and Science which in turn is dictated to by a Minister of Education .
16 This is a well-run , friendly hotel , owned and tastefully improved by the Giglio family .
17 Time and again a landowner , the man who actually has the most to lose since it is his land , is willing to donate corners of his fields for ponds or tree planting , as his contribution to the environmental compromise of a land-drainage scheme ; but then a letter from his agent arrives , demanding that these corners be heavily compensated or even bought by the water authority , as payment for the concessions made .
18 Captures the angry collapsing mood of the country as Allende 's left wing government is threatened and eventually deposed by a right wing junta .
19 Undoubtedly , however , some papers are written and subsequently rejected by the editors of journals as being of an insufficiently high standard .
20 Undoubtedly , however , some papers are written and subsequently rejected by the editors of journals as being of an insufficiently high standard .
21 To be sure , there is evident in the modern world a trend toward collectivism , but this can assume , and has assumed , very diverse forms : among them the fascist corporate state ; the Stalinist autocracy and the highly regulated society , dominated by a single party , which succeeded it ; the ‘ mixed economy ’ of the capitalist welfare states , in which some important sectors of the economy are publicly owned , a vast network of publicly financed and administered social services exists , and the national economy is regulated and partly planned by the state , which now employs a substantial and increasing proportion of the active population ; and the former Yugoslav system of self-management in an economy which was largely publicly owned .
22 The reality was that the growth of corporate enterprise shattered three of the assumptions which underlay the belief that economic power of the company was regulated and thereby legitimated by the competitive market .
23 The several price quotations which have been collected for each of the 350 items in the ‘ basket ’ must be averaged and then divided by the average price of that item in January 1985 .
24 But , instead , he drew back , repelled and almost frightened by the flooding , uncontrolled wildness of the emotion .
25 On Oct. 12 Interior Minister Schäuble was shot and severely disabled by a mentally deranged assailant [ see pp. 37763 ; 38199 ] .
26 In March he was shot and seriously injured by a right-wing extremist .
27 Noseir was shot and seriously injured by a US Postal Service police officer whilst attempting to escape the scene .
28 In Skinner 's instrumental learning/conditioning process ( as opposed to Pavlov 's classical conditioning ) the student emits a foreign language response which is comprehended and thus rewarded by the reinforcement of the teacher 's approval .
29 Within contemporary syntactic theory , the structure of a sentence is seen as partly determined by the nature of its main verb .
30 In liberal democracies , there is , to varying degrees , a functional differentiation between legislative and executive tasks , although this has been seen as increasingly eroded by the growth of executive policy-making powers , whether de facto or statutory , and the emergence of policy-making ‘ communities ’ within the state administration .
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