Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pers pn] can [vb infin] them " in BNC.

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1 I think you are meant to post the voucher with your ticket application , I do n't know if you can use them over the phone .
2 I got quite good ones actually cos I got two children next to each other and a few years later I got them to do it again but I do n't know if I can find them all .
3 If the Commonwealth War Commission do n't know how to get hold of the War Graves Commission The Commonwealth War Graves Commission can give us the information we want provided we can give them the christian name of the person and the regiment .
4 In the Australian experience referred to earlier , those engaged in the study of alternative community-based educational initiatives stressed the former rather than the latter , ‘ The innovating organisation will only survive if it can show them ( the statutory bodies and local power groups ) that its power is complementary rather than invasive . ’
5 Apart from focusing your blow , you also have to be able to judge your distance , so that if you ever have to kick or punch somebody , you 'll automatically know whether you can reach them .
6 I do n't know whether you can get them wi weather like this .
7 Chicken , beef , lamb , vegetable and fish stock cubes mean that you can store them in the cupboard for use when you feel like making a pan of soup for the family .
8 After their relegation last season , Ballymena will be out to prove a point , and I hope that I can help them achieve that . ’
9 it does n't matter because I can put them in the sponge
10 " We are always looking for new ideas on planting and design to see if we can vary them to suit our garden . "
11 In marking the piece , draw his attention only to the words is , it , bom , stown , Point out to him wondow , garben and somedody to see if he can correct them himself .
12 They can help a crew lose and they can help them go at their best .
13 So twelve , I mean if you can remember them twelve stands for four beats in a bar anyway
14 Er , because w er males because of er variance of male reproductive success , another way of looking at it is to say look , males are expendable , you do n't actually need a lot of males to keep all your females fertilized so you can waste them , and in fact we do waste them , for example in wars .
15 The child who has been moving boats and other objects that float on the surface of the water , suddenly discovers that he can make them sink by holding them down or pouring water on top of them .
16 Comment If these results seems rather too trivial to bother about , let's see if we can make them more impressive ( and less " obvious " ? ) by stating their conclusions in words : ( i ) The product of the additive identity with any integer always yields the additive identity .
17 Let's see if we can move them on this year so that they start to think it 's a charity I know I really want to support .
18 Let's go underground and see if we can get them to talk a bit more freely . "
19 Let's see if we can overcome them . ’
20 All right : let's go and see if I can help them get in .
21 I might see if I can persuade them to do some practice bits with Therese . ’
22 Make a second list of other pieces you think you would like when you can afford them , say over the next five years or so .
23 When I talk about positions and opportunities for pictures I do n't suggest that you can plan them all .
24 We know that we can open them , and when we use them we go into a world full of exciting possibilities . ’
25 The incomer might not agree to any existing house rules or feel that they can ignore them because they were not party to them initially .
26 Ask if you can join them .
27 He hums and haws for a bit then he says he 'll put them in his car and ask if I can keep them at Combe Court .
28 ‘ If it is defenders we need , who will lead until we can join them ? ’
29 All right I 'll put y Oh by the way the tickets have gone those tickets have gone but you can get them on the door at the Mapley Plain Social Club this Wednesday in Nottingham and you can see the Ivy League Alf , Berry and Heather Nixon , Night Ride organist and drummer and the compere Peter Lawrie six quid the tickets are admission at eight o'clock this Wednesday an all star show at the Mapley Plain Social Club in Nottingham .
30 As I 've indicated before you can divide them into patha and physiological effects and membrane damage more specifically than what I said before membrane damage is the i i is a particularly important thing .
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