Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pers pn] is [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 If a correction is made , consumers have the right to demand that it is notified to people who have had information during the previous six months .
2 May we have the courage to respond when we sense that He is speaking to us .
3 However , if he has disclosed that fact so as to indicate that he is transferring to the purchaser only his own possessory title , then he will not be in breach of the condition , section 12(3) .
4 The plaintiff 's feelings may be wounded if he is subjected to aggressive cross-examination , especially if it is designed to support what transpires to be an unsuccessful plea of justification , so this forensic factor may be brought into account .
5 Royal watcher Margaret Holder said : ‘ It looks like it is going to be an unhappy time for the Queen and everyone else .
6 Burger smiled : ‘ But there will be very few who do not know if it is left to you , dear .
7 Unlike serious pollsters , the brewer 's flaccid organ fails to report the size of the sample of Scousers interviewed but it is believed to be adjacent to the number of fans at a Tranmere Rovers away match .
8 The Attorney General can only act when he is asked to .
9 The barge carrying the body springs a leak , his ceremonial uniform is soaked as he frantically bales , he worries about the expensive watch which he has inadvertently left on the coffin , the ceremony leaves him with a bad cold which he tries , not altogether successfully , to hide when he is presented to the King .
10 it remains to be seen what figures are included when it is submitted to the Secretary of State and what view he takes on that .
11 It is easy to see that it is intended to be consistent .
12 Explain the system carefully and do ensure that it is seen to be fair .
13 On deciding to become a candidate for election to a local government body an individual must ensure that he is qualified to be a candidate .
14 Managing director David Crisp says that he is talking to three potential manufacturers at the moment , one of which is presumably Amstrad .
15 To the question whether a man , who has intercourse with a woman believing that she is consenting to it , though she is not , commits rape , I think that he [ the ordinary man ] would reply , ‘ No .
16 Jimmy Jessop , the glaciation expert , who is a skilled pickpocket , undoes the back buttons of Neil 's braces as they lean over a diagram together , until Neil loses his temper , and chases Jimmy round the office , shouting that he is going to bloody kill him .
17 He is so anxious about being accepted that he is trying to be extra good and even perfect . ’
18 The must is heated in a cauldron and boiled until it is reduced to one third of its volume to make the Arrobo .
19 OfficePower for Unix currently only supports ICL 's long time relational database partner , Ingres , though there are plans to bring the Oracle Corp offering into play , and the company confirms that it is talking to other companies too .
20 The normative requirements of the defence of duress ( discussed in detail in Chapter 6.4 ) ensure that it is restricted to dire and realistic threats which a citizen of reasonable firmness could not be expected to resist .
21 We are given a picture of death , the death of Pip 's real chance for ever finding contentment , and he sees that it is going to be a long , hard struggle back to finding happiness in life , it is a test of Pip 's strength of character .
22 The process is of course , the reverse of the lowering , the ladders being used until it is raised to forty-five degrees , then the ropes take over .
23 The percentage of this media type which can be used before it is considered to be full , in the range 1 to 100 .
24 Following a full day of debate on the Loyal Address and two days on the Second Reading of the Bill , the country is none the wiser about what the Labour party proposes on local government finance , save in one crucial respect : we now know that it is committed to ending all control on local authority expenditure .
25 If an accused person hears that he is going to be sentenced to one year in jail , it is argued that it would be distinctly unfair for a prosecutor to appeal .
26 Yet in Britain , ‘ race ’ can not be under stood if it is falsely divorced from other political processes or grasped if it is reduced to the effect of these other relations .
27 Oak is not really an ideal timber for external joinery since it can suffer from surface checking and splitting if it is exposed to the sun and the rain .
28 Now , when I touch his cheek with my finger , he responds normally , but not as quickly as he responds when he is held to the breast .
29 Again , the suggestion has been made that in cases where a woman 's SB is withdrawn because she is found/thought to be cohabiting , a ‘ tiding over ’ allowance should be made to ease the adjustment .
30 The court must draw up a timetable " with a view to disposing of the application without delay " and must give directions to ensure that it is adhered to ( s33(1) ) .
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