Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pers pn] [vb mod] [vb infin] the " in BNC.

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1 Secondly we could 've or we could accept the status quo and and do what the county council 's suggesting .
2 Those built by governments seem most commonly to have been placed where they could combine the functions of protecting the local population and housing the official who governed the area .
3 ‘ I understand it 's hard for the organisers because they have to go where they can find the biggest sponsor .
4 ‘ I understand it 's hard for the organisers because they have to go where they can find the biggest sponsor .
5 Among other things , Christopher said Western assistance must be better co-ordinated and targeted where it can have the greatest impact .
6 Do exactly as I say or I 'll cover the mattress with your brains , understand me ? ’
7 I 'm just praying that we can avoid the type of injuries that we got last season .
8 Please keep praying that I will master the German ways of doing things , that are so different .
9 Being able to tile or overlap windows within applications is a nice convenience but have you ever wished that you could do the same thing with separate applications on the desktop ?
10 Old Doc Mac was one of the really great forensic scientists — we started together — but there 's no denying that he 'd let the reins slip a bit in recent years .
11 They suggest that you should start the training when your pet is still a kitten and get it used to walking on a harness ( not a collar that can be slipped too easily ) and lead .
12 They suggest that he could become the country 's national president in any strongly reformist administration that might emerge .
13 They suggest that he could become the country 's national president in any strongly reformist administration that might emerge from the current upheaval .
14 Although Ramsay proposed that he should lead the decoy party , under the royal standard , Murray insisted that he himself must do that , as was suitable .
15 People would know that I could do the job .
16 However , as a strategic planning authority , it is through the Structure Plan process that it can influence the protection of natural resources such as peat lands , and the opportunity for this will arise in the current review of the Plan which will be available for public consultation in the New Year .
17 Nisodemus said unto them , Do you doubt that I can stop the power of Order ? ii .
18 She who could call a lame youth to her and support him with her invisible grace while he laid down his crutches on the steps of her altar , why doubt that she could turn the leaves of a Gospel , and guide a faithful finger to the words her will required ?
19 He then shouted that he would burn the place down . ’
20 According to Goscelin 's account of the translation of the relics of St Mildred from Thanet to St Augustine 's Canterbury , written in the late eleventh century , Cnut went to Canterbury as he was setting out for Rome and promised that he would allow the translation if he returned safely .
21 The sadness of what is in effect the breakup of the comprehensive system is that it occurs at the point when the system was reaching a confidence and maturity which demonstrated that it could meet the demands of the late twentieth century .
22 Prison reformers have been slow to adapt to prison realities , and to accept that they must address the wider canvas of the criminal justice process .
23 It was gratifying to know that she could feel the same as him .
24 Of course , you can always do more but it is encouraging to know that you can reap the benefits of exercise in just ninety minutes a week .
25 It pleased me immeasurably to know that he could sense the difference now , the promise of fulfilment , which would be the sweeter , it seemed to me , for having been so long deferred .
26 The child needs to know that he can win the heart of his parents , but also that such feelings can be handled safely .
27 It may well then be valuable for the beneficiary of a trust to know that he can obtain the property intended for him if he sues and prevails in cognitio against the trustee .
28 The King was , in a sense , the guardian of this agreement , and it might have been expected that he would remind the party leaders of it .
29 She had half expected that he would deflect the question .
30 King Hassan went to Washington on a state visit , when it was expected that he would discuss the question of a revised voting list for the Western Sahara .
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