Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pers pn] would [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Old Doc Mac was one of the really great forensic scientists — we started together — but there 's no denying that he 'd let the reins slip a bit in recent years .
2 He then shouted that he would burn the place down . ’
3 According to Goscelin 's account of the translation of the relics of St Mildred from Thanet to St Augustine 's Canterbury , written in the late eleventh century , Cnut went to Canterbury as he was setting out for Rome and promised that he would allow the translation if he returned safely .
4 The King was , in a sense , the guardian of this agreement , and it might have been expected that he would remind the party leaders of it .
5 She had half expected that he would deflect the question .
6 King Hassan went to Washington on a state visit , when it was expected that he would discuss the question of a revised voting list for the Western Sahara .
7 ‘ You 'd think people would have heed , but no heed , never any heed , no care for anybody else , ’ he complained as he drove ; but before the bridge he startled them by driving the car into the space in front of McCabe 's and announcing that they would walk the rest of the way through the village .
8 On Feb. 24 Klaus 's supporters , announcing that they would use the working name Civic Democratic Party , confirmed that they would follow the draft statute approved on Jan. 12-13 .
9 On June 1 President Ranasinghe Premadasa had held talks with LTTE leaders in Colombo , and on June 6 the government conceded a key LTTE demand , announcing that it would dissolve the North-Eastern Provincial Council ( elected in late 1988 , when the province was under the control of Indian troops , and in the face of an LTTE election boycott — see p. 37007 ) and hold fresh elections .
10 This afternoon , the Environment Secretary Michael Howard , back pedalled a little by announcing that he would allow the authority to spend another two and a half million pounds .
11 Critics of the programme , who were numerous in the USA as well as in the Soviet Union , maintained that it would violate the ABM treaty and therefore undermine the whole concept of deterrence by allowing a first strike to be delivered from behind a space ‘ shield ’ which would prevent or at least reduce the risk of retaliation .
12 If the figures are more marginal then the Policyholder should be offered the possibility of a constructive total loss or the option of having the vessel repaired whereupon we would pay the insured value less the Policy Excess subject to proof being provided that the vessel has in fact been repaired .
13 But he said that both sets of lawyers were unaware of the paper 's offer and he did not know if it would halt the looming legal action which alleges infringement of copyright in relation to the 1992 Christmas message .
14 But , since she 'd be hanged if she 'd let the man by her side know that the Sebastian of the deerstalker hat was her brother , she left Sebastian 's name out of it too .
15 In case you forget and you would like the Autocover staff at Frank Glennon Limited to give you a free quotation before your next renewal date please complete and return the coupon below .
16 In case you forget and you would like the Homecover staff at Frank Glennon Limited to give you a free quotation and insurance appraisal before your next renewal please complete and return this coupon .
17 You know how he 'll behave because you 'd behave the same , ’ she sneered scathingly , then yelped in alarm when he curved a large hand round her neck and urged her roughly towards him , giving Hilary little choice but to climb on to the fork .
18 He wanted to know whether we would monitor the introduction of the new disability benefits and their impact in policy terms and with regard to their administration .
19 I wanted to know whether it would affect the pH of my soil .
20 And erm they 're loyal to the society because it , they know really it 's partly through them supporting the Guilds that we are able erm I do n't know whether I would get the membership there if you 've got , you see we pay a subscription to , see it costs five Pound a year at the moment to be , to be a member of the Womens ' Guild , which we , we send dues as I say to these three sections you see .
21 I did n't know whether you 'd put the , stopped it .
22 Cos she did n't know whether you 'd like the story .
23 Later , Mr Clay , who retired as general secretary in September , said he did not know whether he would receive the £8,000 or whether it would be used to offset the costs bill .
24 In 1705 he wrote that he doubted whether he would see the winter through and early in the next year he died , leaving a last , unfinished letter to his young friend .
25 The Life of Guthlac claims that Guthlac-reputedly appearing after his death in a vision to Aethelbald — prophesied that he would receive the kingdom from the hand of God , who had foreshortened Ceolred 's life for its wickedness , and triumph over his foes ( Vita Guthlaci , ch. 49 ) .
26 I do n't think that we would enjoy the Victorian smog of 1880 London , so let's settle for 1850 England .
27 Culdrose Radar cleared us through the inactive low level danger area and agreed that we would follow the coastline through the combined MATZs .
28 As my French was better than Brian 's , we agreed that I would do the talking and that I 'd choose a moment when Mazzin was in one of his camarade moods so that neither of us would be starting from a point of anger .
29 Marie and I agreed that she would train the chicks at La Trobe , using exactly the protocol that she herself had modified from Cherkin , which is essentially how we still do it even today , as I described it back in Chapter 2 .
30 It was arranged that they would take the horses down to the railway sidings where there was enough light from the warehouses to school in the evenings , and Biddy would come twice during the week and once at the weekend , for two hours each time .
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