Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pers pn] [modal v] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Do you have to sit where I can see you ? ’ he demanded .
2 Lifts can often be arranged or you can make your own way .
3 ‘ I 'd better go and help him unpack or he 'll bite my head off . ’
4 Leave go I say or you 'll send us both below to crack our skulls .
5 She felt like that fish caught by the curlew , one part of her praying that he would spit her out again , the other , perversely , longing for him to swallow her up .
6 A fifteen-year-old in grey flannel wandering around London in school holidays with an adolescent 's apocalyptic vision , praying that he would lose his virginity before the bombs came and blasted him to oblivion .
7 We talk about London and Grand Isle , and all the while I am praying that he will ask us on his boat .
8 I do n't deserve another chance — but I 'm hoping , praying that you will give me one anyway . ’
9 I am not , then , when I claim that the existence of God does not need to be proved , denying that we must show it to be reasonable to believe in God .
10 The data we have at the moment suggest that we should reach our targets about 80% of the time , but our aim over the years will be not only to reach the targets in a higher proportion of cases but also to make the targets more difficult .
11 I 've asked them as well and this might take them into the second week er to start with their pupils process on a Wednesday morning whereby in each classroom there would be a me master year plan even if it means they have to buy four and divide it up but I su I suggest that I would do something , you know , produce one and on that they will write pertinent to the the form to the form er and continue to add on that over , you know as and when it 's relevant er , dates for completion of course work , it might be module testing etcetera and I 'm going to ask at briefing that any anything that a teacher has put down for children , it might be just you know Mi Mr x's group is mentioned at briefing so they can write down what 's pertinent to them and therefore
12 Then he proposed that I should marry him ,
13 This is to request that you will send me no more goods unless ordered .
14 I do n't know that we should Do we all do we want to go together
15 This just lets you know that we will pay you travel costs to and from
16 All the drivers are exciting , and people who are stuck in this pattern of behaviour often have an incentive to stay in it — they feel that one day they will succeed , they will finally be perfect , they will at last please everyone ; they will prove that they can get everything done more quickly than everyone else , and they 'll know that they can undertake anything under the most difficult conditions .
17 Do I know that she will give me a lift ?
18 They should know that it will change nothing .
19 That way , a business man making an investment would know that he would get his money back within four years .
20 You did n't know that I could see you , did you ?
21 But erm I real I really enjoyed it and er to me it was interesting work and I do n't know that I can tell you much more about the locks .
22 I do n't know that I can bear it . ’
23 But while I think it intrinsically unlikely that any of my co-habitees , if I my so describe them , should have committed murder , and I know that I did n't , I do n't know that I can help you very much . ’
24 if i I 'll just remember the symbol I wo n't even remember the symbols but I 'll just know that I can work it out if I needed to .
25 She did n't doubt that he would find her .
26 Ianthe promised that she should make her a summer dress and with this managed to get rid of her .
27 He promised that He would build his church .
28 On Oct. 16 the Romanian National Assembly approved by 324 votes to seven the new Council of Ministers proposed by Prime Minister-designate Theodor Stolojan , who undertook to accelerate reforms and promised that he would continue his political neutrality and would not stand in the forthcoming ( 1992 ) elections .
29 But Mr Chirac promised that he would give his full support to the government , expressing criticism only in private to Mr Balladur .
30 I handed over my life 's savings and promised that I would give her the other nineteen and six before the year was up .
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