Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] her [art] " in BNC.

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1 The older man 's bushy grey brows rose as he shot her a penetrating glance .
2 It was touching to me to see how she would sometimes act helpless because she loved him being , as he often was , masterful with her , as well as tender ; and for his part it was easy to see that he thought her a wonderful woman and admired every inch of her .
3 She had obviously forgiven him now for all those cruel but necessary things he had said when he dropped her the year before .
4 Would you mind if we paid her a visit instead ? ’ she appealed .
5 He frowned as he handed her a cup of tea .
6 Travis frowned as he handed her a mug of soup .
7 She comes up to the house and starts bellowing , and just will not stop until you give her a cuddle !
8 ‘ Well , you must admit — ’ she began as he handed her a glass .
9 I guess that it gave her a sense of independence and allowed her personality , which was fairly dominant , to develop .
10 Anne felt that she considered her a green fool , and Mabel was indignant that Hetty was very ready to accept the ‘ perks ’ of the job , such as the cakes and bread given to the staff by Mrs Dyson , and the extra money from Mr Dyson , but was always on the alert for any infringement of her rights .
11 Oh , her husband may chatter but I doubt if he gives her a blow by blow account of English activities in France .
12 His face tightened and he shot her a quick assessing glance .
13 Dino Tremiti , the number-two driver , was sitting next to Mike , his eyes amused as he gave her a very comprehensive survey .
14 " I wo n't be late , " he said and it took her a moment to remember that they were speaking of Miss Dallam 's wedding-breakfast .
15 She had to admit that he worried her a lot .
16 His expression gentled and he gave her a slow smile filled with a conviction that was very male and utterly sure .
17 His voice lilted as he teased her a little .
18 I do n't want it , ’ she snapped as he handed her a large vodka and tonic , then took such a huge gulp that she nearly choked .
19 Celia 's patience snapped when he poured her the second glass of retsina .
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