Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [prep] a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In subsequent correspondence Technical Division were asked to confirm that the timing of the provision of the benefit to the non-resident or non-domiciled beneficiary was irrelevant , ie that it did not matter whether the income in question was paid to him in the year of assessment in which it arose or in a subsequent year , but Technical Division refused to confirm that this was the case on the grounds that the actual circumstances of particular cases tended to vary so widely that they felt unable to answer the question without more details .
2 The survey disclosed that in a three-week period , 309 vessels had passed through the firth and that 94 had refused to identify themselves .
3 It has been disclosed that within a short time of leaving Aberdeen Royal Infirmary yesterday where she stayed three nights and underwent an operation to remove a piece of fish lodged in her throat she was entertaining guests .
4 As for the borrowing lecture and the lecture on job creation , I have been able to state on a number of occasions when I have been a little more demotic that all independent forecast suggest that under a Labour Government — heaven forbid — borrowing and unemployment would be higher .
5 It needs to be stressed that in a thermal reactor the fuel is near to its most active state and there is no way in which the nuclear assembly can go supercritical and explode like a nuclear weapon ( Coggle , 1983 ) .
6 In 1963 , when he was already Leader of the Labour Party , Harold Wilson promised that under a Labour government there would be ‘ Grammar School education for all ’ , and few in the Labour Party wanted to be seen as the enemy of the grammar schools .
7 It would be a great relief to know that after a three week hospital stay , you 'd have £420 on top of your daily benefit of £840 , payable on your discharge .
8 Essentially the Post charged that in a 1984 report , Mike Hoover , a freelance news cameraman with a reputation for providing theatrical footage , recreated scenes of Afghan rebels sabotaging electricity pylons — days after the real action had taken place .
9 Or the settlor could direct that in a certain event a new use should spring up in D's favour .
10 They say that on a clear day you can see the Isle of Harris .
11 They say that at a certain point it will stop expanding and start contracting again , back into the original primal seed .
12 It is reported that in a large printing office in the city [ which can only be R. & R. Clark ] where there are about 100 females employed , more than 70 handed in notices to strike yesterday , while correspondingly large proportions of the females employed in other firms are said to have signified their intention of going on strike , failing a settlement .
13 Research carried out at Queen Mary and Westfield College , London found that in a major incident at a plant of the type proposed a radius of nine miles could be affected , that is from Bolton in the north to Hale in the south , and from Leigh in the west to the easternmost boundary of Greater Manchester .
14 Hewitt and Burton ( 1971 ) analysed the record for southwestern Ontario and found that in a 50-year period there would be 1 severe drought , 2 major windstorms , 5 severe snowstorms , 8 severe hurricanes , 10 severe glaze storms , 16 severe floods , 25 severe hailstorms and 39 tornadoes .
15 I have a slow heartbeat , about 67 or 68 , but we found that in a quiet passage of music before a climax the heartbeat could rise to 170 .
16 And although my initial work was with the individual child , I found that in a large number of cases , the parental interest was of a high order and , and the children 's willingness to involve parents in their behavioural difficulties was also of a high order , so I found myself working not just within the school , not just with the child , but in a parent-child situation .
17 ‘ I have to play with pain-killing injections and I 'm not able to train except for a short time doing set-pieces on a Friday . ’
18 Hospitals reported that on a single day ( Oct. 24 ) four civilians had been killed and more than 100 injured .
19 They squirmed , shrivelled and after a brief struggle , gave up the ghost .
20 Relatively ‘ self-contained ’ and cohesive social groups such as peasants and church-going Catholics , generally knowing whom to trust and with a low level of organization in the NSDAP , were now often unrestrained in their attacks .
21 Why wait until after a general election ?
22 In contrast , total and LDL cholesterol concentrations did appear to influence platelet sensitivity to adrenaline and to a lesser extent ADP ( Hassall et al , 1983 ) .
23 He turned now and led her towards the door , but there he stopped and in a quiet voice said , ‘ Now , do what I tell you .
24 A successor ( all Heads of Department were eligible for election ) had proved hard to find and for a brief period the chairmanship of the Course had been taken over by the Deputy Director , Brian Tonge .
25 She had mentioned a father who had recently died , but he naturally had no idea that he looked like him or , at any rate , what Tom Tremayne had looked like as a young man .
26 In the same patient haemoperitoneum and haemothorax occurred and in a further patient a large subcutaneous haematoma was seen .
27 The vocational training in engineering and technological skills which young people receive in West Germany is more thorough , better organised and of a higher standard , the young people receive in this country .
28 Any program that receives favourable reviews from enough teachers should be considered for — distribution as it stands but on a national basis — production to a professional standard — transferability to other microcomputers — publication by national system — publication by commercial publishers .
29 JILL HUNTER goes into the World Cross Country Championships on Saturday with her Olympic team place already booked but with a psychological hurdle to clear .
30 At Hampton Ferry the Saturday match was cancelled but with a milder day the Sunday event was still going ahead Saturday night .
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