Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] were [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Dusty relics lay where they were left when the mill shut down .
2 It was only when his embrace became more adventurous , his hands more demanding as he became aroused , that she realised where they were heading and she finally found the strength to pull away from him .
3 Firstly , visits could be claimed if they were requested and made between 2200 and 0800 ( previously 2300 and 0700 ) .
4 They demolished Moseley , who did n't seem to know whether they were coming or going .
5 I did n't know whether you were coming or not cos you said you did n't know .
6 You did n't know whether you were coming or going !
7 He was not very good about women 's clothes , only noticing whether they were becoming or not , but he recognised the quality of hers , and of the big leather handbag she had placed on the desk .
8 Yet it was this very stability which made them so potentially harmful , for their effects upon a whole ecosystem , as opposed to an individual species , were not considered before they were adopted and so , as farmers enthusiastically seized the opportunities which these new insecticides offered , little thought was given to any possible chain reaction which might follow .
9 Tealtaoich stood quite still , regarding the waiting Trees and seeing that they were listening and apparently politely prepared to hear anything he had to say .
10 Quiss experienced the tiniest moment of fear , then savage anger , and was about to go down fighting — take as many of the little bastards with him as he could — when he realised that they were bowing and wringing their hands and making apologetic noises , not howling angry ones .
11 Many hallucinated that they were shrinking or else expanding to fill it .
12 The deputies announced that they were resigning because the government " has not been able to keep its promises " with regard to the Kurdish population .
13 The government claimed that the miners had come to Bucharest " spontaneously " but admitted that they were fed and lodged in government-owned sports halls .
14 It eventually got that they were typed and put into cellophane covers which made it a lot easier .
15 I have read the report of the guardian ad litem and such information as I have which would indicate her view of the local authority 's actions now on several occasions and I have to say that I do not understand what findings the justices believed that they were making or what reasons they were giving for their decision in that brief statement , which I have just quoted in full .
16 She says that they were told that it was a bomb scare .
17 Had she , as he 'd instructed if he were listed as dead , divided the proceeds of the sale between his three sisters — Sal , now in Canada , Grace , still somewhere in France , and Kitty , God knows where ?
18 So have you , have you have you now persuaded yourself that perhaps you 're over optimistic about I mean cos you were suggesting that attitudes had changed
19 You know , because I think we as parish council would have thought that we were interfering if we suggested that we should go to observe somebody 's group meeting .
20 I replied that we were studying and writing , a fact that was obvious from the books , dictionaries and papers scattered over the table and the bed .
21 The Countryside Commission says they would be used if they were cleared and that the answer 's cooperation .
22 that 's another story with a an unusual ending cos I 'd have thought when you were saying that he was n't that he did n't give them the
23 Any further questions there about er the benefits if you were actually to you know if you were to die whilst employed in reckonable service ?
24 Ministers believed the same , asserting as had been asserted when they were created that they were in some way different from the universities .
25 The pair claimed their human rights were breached when they were arrested and held under the Prevention of Terrorism Act .
26 and they had to they had to sit in rows and they had to do as they were told and they were n't allowed
27 But they are still surviving and they were surviving and still paying rent on land before nineteen forty nine .
28 And I can see this er this woman with her three children go off to the workhouse and er they was crying but they were waving and then all the neighbours was out waving to them .
29 People in the contracting phase would live their lives backward : they would die before they were born and get younger as the universe contracted .
30 The vast majority of Oxfordshire 's teachers claim that they were involved or very involved in their school 's review , an equally large majority ( four-fifths ) feel competent to carry out a review and that theirs was thorough or very thorough .
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