Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] could do [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Now the audit industry was in favour of that at the time because it saw itself as able to get its fingers into local authority audit so they were prepared to accept that they could do it then , it 's only now er when it 's proposed on what 's been their traditional prerogatives , they er er they audit of banks and private sector er er companies that they balk at the proposition and say ooh it 's horrendous we ca n't do it .
2 So I says I would n't phone in , I 'd let you know and you could do it and I 'll pay you myself , I do n't mind , you know , losing a day 's pay .
3 Corman admitted , ‘ I did one film really more as a joke to see if I could do it ; filmed it in two days and a night .
4 Our own son had practised Ramadan on one of his trips to the Middle East ‘ just to see if I could do it ’ .
5 enquired just to see if I could do it but er
6 I popped in on yer to see if I could do anything for yer , like did yer want a medical bandage that I could get cheap .
7 I remember the minister 's housekeeper , Miss Lumb , calling to see if she could do anything to help , and the four-year-old Ann saying in a plaintive voice , ‘ There is n't any room for Miss Lump in this bed ! ’
8 Is he aware that among women serving life sentences in Bullwood Hall women 's prison for murdering their husbands there are several whose lack of command of English meant that they were not aware that there was anywhere that they could run to , that some women who had tried to run away from extreme brutality were dragged back by their families , and that some were terrified of leaving their children with a brutal partner , and that therefore they had to wait until they could do something about it and were driven to commit murder ?
9 And we decided to get lots of copies for all our friends that we have n't seen for a long long time so I asked if they could do them for me but I thought they would be back by now , well they should of been back ages ago actually !
10 He was inventive , his ad-libs were beautifully polished Once , as a visual gag , he asked if he could do his piece with us at Splott in Cardiff .
11 He did n't look like he could do anything more strenuous than spit out a grape-pip .
12 He was so efficient , I 'm wondering if he could do something about the disgusting chick pea casserole they serve on the Intercity 125 .
13 She had been keen on the idea and had talked of planting more spruce for the specific object of selling them as trees at Christmas but she had died before they could do anything more about it .
14 In their study of civic culture in 1959 , Almond and Verba repeatedly noted that the better educated in all five countries that they studied were more likely to participate in the political process , and to believe that they could do something to change laws which they felt were unjust through the conventional channels of political participation .
15 The regions are far too big and complex to be handled from Detroit and even if they were foolish enough to believe that they could do it more effectively — which they ca n't — they would be crazy to try . ’
16 He came to believe that he could do it .
17 The fact that God had done it once meant that he could do it again .
18 ‘ I do n't really look like Manson at all , ’ he admits , ‘ but I just felt that I could do it best !
19 ‘ Will you telephone Harriman and ask if he could do anything in the way of intervention ? ’
20 Pausing to watch the big man stride away , his broad shoulders bent as though beneath a great weight , Tilly despaired that she could do nothing to help him .
21 I think that you could do something in between here , but I do n't know the country well enough to say exactly that mix would be .
22 I don ‘ t think that I could do it with anyone whose bones stuck out .
23 But he finds out all these things but he does n't tell you and you keep getting killed and you think I wonder if I could do it
24 ‘ So after the fire , Himmelbrau and Strick called me in to see whether I could do something to re-establish their client files — thirty years of legal practice up in smoke .
25 I can assure the right hon. Gentleman that my noble Friend will make a very strong statement of Government policy , even though I wish that I could do it myself .
26 So convinced were the farmers that in July they delayed the trebbiatura , the threshing of the grain , hoping that they could do it under Allied administration ; they thought they would probably get 700 lire more for each sack .
27 That 's what I said , a hundred and ninety pound , I said if you could do my house for that I 'd be laughing !
28 cos they 're not X directory if we can get hold of the number , er so she 's going to say to her could she do it any quicker and I said well the woman said if she could do it any quicker she would ring me , she asked for me phone number .
29 I 'm quite sure that it was a sort of catalyst for him , to prove that he could do something like that . ’
30 ‘ So , although that album kind of jumped the tracks for the band , it allowed me to feel that I could do whatever sprung to mind , whatever made sense for me .
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