Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Let the other person know that you know they 're not God .
2 Shouted that he knew I was inside .
3 Charlie could n't believe what was happening although he felt it was well worth getting a broken nose for .
4 Darling darling , I feel that I am the luckiest man on earth and I want you to know that I know I am .
5 ‘ Have you forgotten that I know you were involved with him six years ago ?
6 And they say that they think she 's hiding it but there 's no where to be hiding it .
7 When I say that I mean I 'm operating without back-up .
8 Q : When you say that I think you 're laughing at me .
9 I mean no disrespect to the geriatric branch of the hospital service nor to the domiciliary services or the rapidly increasing old people 's houses and homes provided by local housing , health and welfare authorities when I say that I believe we are still groping and fumbling with this problem — all of us , social scientists and politicians alike .
10 Examining her responses to this normal catalogue of everyday events , of life , she found that she wished she was dead , had been dead for some time , so that she was used to it : and then she thought that if she had been dead for long enough , she would probably be bored with that by now .
11 Although this questionnaire was based upon insights from case studies of self-evaluation in Solihull secondary schools , it was of course inevitable that some Solihull teachers might not consider that it asked what were , for them , the most pertinent questions .
12 She tried to smile , attempting to indicate that she knew it was n't his fault , that he had n't known what he was doing .
13 After yesterday 's show — all about problems in relationships — Jenny said : ‘ I have never told him what the pie was but now he will know and I hope he is sick . ’
14 And it bounced and bounced and bounced and I thought it was going on for ages but it did n't .
15 I mean there is a , I do n't know if anybody saw there was a a programme on , it was actually B B C , erm , this week , it was about somebody who felt that she was very overweight and actually had her stomach stapled !
16 Can I just one one final point there is e I did notice in my proof there was in in in typing there was one line I do n't know if you noticed there was one line that was missed off the bottom of one of the pages , and if I can er either give that to you .
17 ‘ No , I just want to know if anyone knows you 're here . ’
18 Perhaps we should decline the invitation to join the forum and just keep a watching brief , but I thought I should let you know of its existence and purpose , I would be interested to know if you think there is a suitable person in your branch who would be able and interested in representing CPRW on the forum .
19 He 'd begun to tell her an anecdote about the time he 'd been trying out some play in Brighton when he 'd very nearly missed the curtain because he 'd accidentally locked himself in his hotel-room , and how if it had n't been for his wife — ; realising his blunder he broke off and wanted to know if she minded his being married .
20 When the invoice arrives , you can appeal if you think it 's unfair .
21 He 's stuck with that girl I say cos I mean she 's a lot older than he is , but they 're stuck together yeah , cos Carol must be near my age
22 I found it hard to find Mill 's arguments for this , although he seems to be , he seems to be arguing the point over several pages , but erm we get pretty much rhetorical claims and evidence and so he wants us to consider those states which have been ruled by despots with those contemporary states which have been democracies England versus Spain say and he thinks it 's obvious which type of system we ought to prefer .
23 And they do n't want to put down what they do know cos they think it 's obvious .
24 " Gemma dear , he has a right to be considered and I believe he is a fresh-air man — the Gages and the Bartram-Hyndes have all been brought up to that .
25 His voice was muffled and I thought he was trembling .
26 She said where 's that fucking Tara she gone for a fucking blow again and they 're all laughing and she said what are you fucking bastards laughing at and there 's Tara there with tears down her face Tara tried to tell her she fell off the chair well that was it .
27 I 'll do anything you want if you let her be all right .
28 I do n't know if you know what it is to work every day as if your life depended on it , to work until you feel you are going to bust a gut , until you want to cry or howl at yourself because your own body is so stubborn .
29 I try to pretend it is not happening but I know it is . ’
30 Aye it 's yeah it 's well I do n't know but I think it 's it is definitely coming on Friday .
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