Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Newbon disclosed that he told his former managing director a couple of years ago : ‘ I could get Oxford United very cheaply , ’ — but his boss was n't interested .
2 ‘ I would not for a moment have it supposed that I mean anything derogatory to Dr. Yeats … but human nature is fallible .
3 It is likely that the Romans followed Alexandrian fashion in this respect , but surviving portraits of later date suggest that they retained their own conventions of representing character in facial features .
4 It 's the last day of Week 2 and I suggest that you have your main meal at lunchtime again , so allowing more time to work it off before tomorrow 's assessment .
5 If you are completely beaten by this painstaking stage of pressed flower work , then I suggest that you consult your local framer , who should be very helpful and be able to quickly produce the professional finish that you want .
6 Friends of Eliot suggest that he confronted his old friend with the news a day or two before the marriage .
7 She took the opportunity despite the fact that many of her colleagues let her know that they judged her disloyal .
8 Anyone viewing all this nonsense from another planet — as most men do — can be forgiven for assuming that women are a bunch of mixed up crazies who do n't know what they want , but do know that they want it all , both ways and with jam on the top , too .
9 I do n't know that I like it all that much .
10 Are you willing to take responsibility for your life , to accept that we create our own reality ?
11 When Gilgamesh later dreamt that Enlil , the father of the gods , had decreed his destiny , it was Enkidu who interpreted for him , explaining that it indicated his certain mortality as well as the gifts of unexampled supremacy over the people and victory in battle .
12 So good ways of checking that you got it right , and then you can go on comfortably with , let's have a look at erm this time you 're buying a block of gold , er
13 I think I speak for everybody and say that we wish you well in this project .
14 Workers at Dowty aerospace can at least take comfort in one thing — the firms management say that they hope their streamlining programme is now at an end and that no further major redundancies will be announced .
15 ‘ He was at her , trying to make her say that she loved him better than she did me .
16 Newcomers to CAD say that it has its own jargon .
17 The farmers ' wives indulged him in the harshness of his religious practices , never minding that he brought his own delph and cutlery and would eat only boiled eggs and bread .
18 ‘ Fired — dismissed , ’ she offered a couple of alternatives — only to find that he found her first offering of more interest .
19 She 'd been ashamed to find that she found it such exhausting work , especially without the broad shoulders of Ross to lean on .
20 When Hellen was transferred to Toronto to continue her documentary film-making career , I found that I missed her cheery presence more than I had expected , despite many activities .
21 As the years stumbled by she found that she had nothing much to say to anybody .
22 Kaye enjoyed helping the group but found that it eroded her own identity .
23 The committee is very pleased with attendances ‘ this term ’ , which seems to indicate that we got it right … at least some of the time .
24 Worked out less than , I do n't know and they give us all the posters and everything , so weekend I 'm gon na send away for another seventy
25 ‘ Miguel , I apologise if I said anything unflattering about you .
26 She agreed to come and I took her first to the more brilliantly decorated one , not knowing that she was not only a very religious woman but also a girl who had been brought up in the strictest kind of convent — no heating , nothing for show .
27 And let me know if she needs anything stronger . ’
28 His eyebrows rose and he met her steady gaze with a hint of amusement in his own .
29 will be pleased to know if you tell him that
30 Sometimes Frankie would curl up in the big seat and sleep until she shook him awake shortly before the second feature came to an end .
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