Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] [verb] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 I 'd forgotten that I 'd said that , and was , in any case , already regretting the admission .
2 They also say that they have discovered that this tends to produce two dramatically opposed views .
3 Yet she found that she did care that Eleanor had used Julius 's Christian name so freely .
4 Erm I do n't know if I mean remember that in order to do any compositional semantic theory , you have to assign structuring .
5 and erm er that 's what I used if you want to borrow that you can .
6 ‘ Anyway , Laura wanted to know if anybody had reported that the undertaker was missing . ’
7 Erm , I think probably I would support the recommendation as it stands because I do think that we need to have a trial to see if the end performance , and I very very much support the idea of the end performance , er in district .
8 This endorsement should be added when we have insisted that an alarm should be fitted to improve security at the home .
9 This endorsement should be added when we have insisted that a safe be installed at the home to improve security , usually when the policy covers a lot of valuable jewellery .
10 As Moore looked into those eyes , he realized that he had seen that look before .
11 I regret that I have to conclude that the omens for retaining national control of vital areas do not look good .
12 The hon. Gentleman is unfair to claim that we have said that we shall not take action .
13 As an example of the pitfalls involved in drafting questions , we can consider the fuss that there was in 1983 when Hill announced that he had found that as many as 40 per cent of six-year-old children had seen ‘ video-nasties ’ ( i.e. video films of horror , violence , and sadistic sex ) .
14 You will pick up from these last remarks that I had decided that my basic marine aquarium should be devoted to fish only , a good choice in many ways for a basic system , especially for those inexperienced in marine aquaria keeping .
15 But even the groups chairman , Professor Geoffrey Rose of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine , admitted that he had thought that when all the trials were completed , the benefits of intervention would be certain .
16 It means something has been said or something has happened that has put the subject of the remark in an uncomfortable place .
17 This endorsement should be applied where we have insisted that certain door and window locks should be fitted to improve security .
18 ( The great Pasteur believed that he had shown that it could not so evolve . )
19 Consistently the view was presented that one had to feel that the job which one was doing at a particular time could be related to some end product .
20 When he does so , I hope that he will ensure that he legislates to ensure that Labour can not operate delaying tactics as they have in Wolverhampton .
21 The notebooks also show that she had grasped that the A form contained two strands running in opposite directions , but she had not then understood the exact relation between the A and B forms .
22 That , and the discovery that she could not bear a man near her in the early days after the rape ; so she had feigned an illness , explained as the consequence of her breaking her engagement with Havvie , which , of course , had caused an immense furore inside and outside of society , and Mama and Papa had put off their visit to England , and sent her loving letters , for she had written that she had discovered that she did not really love Havvie at all , had merely been beglamoured by his appearance , name and title .
23 The title of this article may suggest that I am claiming that all girls are marginalised in mathematics , but I hope that I have indicated that the situation we actually see is far more complicated than this .
24 Today , we reach the end of the series ; I hope that you have found that the series has improved your prayer life , as we have looked at the whole subject from several different angles .
25 In a letter to President Eisenhower , Sir Anthony compared Nasser to Mussolini , and it was revealed that he had felt that the Government should have resigned over the issue .
26 Imagine that one wants to say that ‘ hypertext includes text ’ but is uncertain about the wording .
27 But I liked serving and I liked to feel that I was able to have sold somebody something .
28 But a malfunction occurs and he comes to believe that he really has been an intelligence agent who made a startling discovery on Mars …
29 In re Polemis [ 1921 ] 3 KB 560 was wrongly decided because it had held that once liability was established , a person was responsible for the direct consequences of his acts even though these were not foreseeable .
30 In Book I , Chapter 3 , Section 3 of his A System of Logic ( written before he had decided that a quality is simply a sensation regarded in a certain relation ) he distinguishes between a sensation and a quality , a distinction which , he feels , may be missed because we can seldom refer to the sensation otherwise than by a circumlocution , for example , by reference to the quality , as when we call a sensation ‘ the sensation of white ’ .
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