Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] [was/were] [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 All I could do was write a letter , and by the time I 'd written a letter and it got where it was going and a reply got back , a week or two weeks could have gone by .
2 It was only when his embrace became more adventurous , his hands more demanding as he became aroused , that she realised where they were heading and she finally found the strength to pull away from him .
3 Sammy by now had wormed his way up to the third rung where he was floundering and panting breathlessly .
4 On Tuesday nights Sidney Passmore must have sat where he was sitting and on Fridays , the undertaker .
5 Police say that he was kicked and punched by four people and struck about the head with a wooden object .
6 But you see , I just went to the education officer and I say , he , he ran it , he , it , it was , it was his responsibility the Guild 's were and I went to him about a Guild matter and I said oh , erm how I mentioned that I was working and he said well where are you working ?
7 Without noticing its onset I found that I was crying and I went on crying until I slept .
8 He found that he was rolling and unrolling the brim of Maidstone 's hat in his fingers .
9 Firstly , visits could be claimed if they were requested and made between 2200 and 0800 ( previously 2300 and 0700 ) .
10 Yet it was this very stability which made them so potentially harmful , for their effects upon a whole ecosystem , as opposed to an individual species , were not considered before they were adopted and so , as farmers enthusiastically seized the opportunities which these new insecticides offered , little thought was given to any possible chain reaction which might follow .
11 ‘ Are you suggesting that she was murdered and that the car business was a cover-up ? ’
12 Tealtaoich stood quite still , regarding the waiting Trees and seeing that they were listening and apparently politely prepared to hear anything he had to say .
13 Quiss experienced the tiniest moment of fear , then savage anger , and was about to go down fighting — take as many of the little bastards with him as he could — when he realised that they were bowing and wringing their hands and making apologetic noises , not howling angry ones .
14 Julia realised that she was shaking and that Ian had taken her hand in his .
15 July 1944 , failed although he was injured and undoubtedly badly shaken .
16 Both Jessica and Nadea seemed to agree that it was fitting and appropriate when I told them my first choice would be to serve with the Royal Canadian Air Force .
17 On the following day , however , after lengthy discussions with Cabinet and other colleagues , she announced that she was withdrawing and that she would accordingly resign as Prime Minister once the new party leader had been elected .
18 The government claimed that the miners had come to Bucharest " spontaneously " but admitted that they were fed and lodged in government-owned sports halls .
19 His sole gave him a peculiar sensation , realising that it was undone and dragging , made him laugh , in retort , but secretly , inside .
20 And although disagreeing in significant respects with Schwoerer , W. A. Speck concludes that significant inroads on the royal prerogative were made by the Revolution settlement , and that " the debate on the nature of the monarchy did end decisively in 1689 with the victory of those who argued that it was limited and mixed " .
21 He refused , whereupon she argued that he was impeding and delaying justice by cavillaciones et diffugia ( ‘ quibbling objections and subterfuges ’ ) , and aimed to dispossess her not only of Bigorre , but of her vicomté of Marsan as well .
22 It eventually got that they were typed and put into cellophane covers which made it a lot easier .
23 on their man , warning that he was armed and dangerous .
24 If A had an honest doubt whether there was a contract at all between B and C it has been held that this would provide a good defence but if the doubt is whether A 's rights or C's under two inconsistent agreements should prevail and A chooses to adopt a course which on one view of the law will undoubtedly interfere with C 's rights , it has been said that he must at least show that he was advised and honestly believed that he was entitled to take that course .
25 Finally , my father came and I was discharged and taken home .
26 We had screens on wheels in latter years at , last few years at school and er he used to go down to the tea room for a cup of tea half way down the stairs , the teachers ' room and perhaps go toilet as well , and er the one at the back was a foot out from the screen and every now and then he 'd have a look to see if he was coming and er we , what had had a big case with birds in and the lads who were doing it looked in this , saw the reflection and shh he 's coming .
27 They asked if he was cheating and decided that if he was able to do his work so well , there was no harm in giving him some more .
28 She kept her face averted but Melissa could see that she was drawn and pale .
29 I could see that she was scowling and stiffening into a Mark 2 temper , so I gave her an encouraging smile — which raised her , as I expected , to a Mark 3 .
30 When he arrived at the meeting it was to be told that he was suspended and barred from his office .
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