Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] [vb mod] take [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Having defined your process model using the process model definition language , the pmodel module must be entered into LIFESPAN and installed before it will take effect .
2 In 1988 the Japanese giant bought CBS records for $2bn and last week it announced that it would take control of Columbia pictures .
3 I trust that he will take account of the road safety dangers that are inherent in his policy .
4 A few successful trips to restaurants will not only be enjoyable for the patient , but they will boost his confidence and help him to realize that he can take part in normal social life .
5 The minority party , realising that they could take advantage of the troubles , persuaded the Duke of Cumberland to issue a warrant against three of the former Councillors for treason and they were committed to Perth prison .
6 I had decided that I should take control of the aeroplane and try to fly it to England .
7 In so doing , we hope that it will take account of our responses on the proposed reorganisation of local government in Wales and the way this may weaken its strategic planning functions .
8 And I hope that he will take note of what we have to say . ’
9 If you have not already applied for your card we hope that you will take advantage of this unique opportunity and support the University .
10 However , we hope that you will take time to read the chapters that precede the recipes , menus and diet charts .
11 That has been contradicted by the hon. Member for South Shields ( Dr. Clark ) , who has said that he would take money from British farmers with one hand and give part of it back to them with the other .
12 A few drops of prepared infusoria will sustain the fry until they will take brine shrimp which can be as early as three days .
13 When he asked if he could take part , the gentlemen archers looked at him and at his bow and , thinking it doubtful he could hit anything at 100 yards , gave their permission if his father looked after him .
14 Well this woman came round last night and asked if I 'd take part .
15 Once she moved out , Pattie discovered that she could take care of herself and the baby and the sense of freedom was fantastic .
16 By and large , those principles were soundly based although one could take issue with the question of ‘ full overhead costs ’ .
17 I had n't bargained for the next difficulty : ‘ It wo n't work , ’ he commented , ‘ because my son smokes and he 'll take pity on me and give me one when I run out . ’
18 The F-A will now decide whether it should take action against the men which may include banning them from football for life .
19 The first Act to abolish Chantries , in 1545 , had lapsed before it could take effect .
20 Very often , an act has a clause in it saying that it will take effect only when an order is issued by the appropriate Secretary of State .
21 Well I would like to hope that he would take notice of my letter even if I would n't get any support from British Press .
22 The Association would strongly recommend that they should take effect at the earliest in January of the following year .
23 I FEEL that I must take issue with two stories ( Echo March 4 ) in relation to diabetes ( a ) special foods , and ( b ) specialist nurses .
24 I FEEL that I must take issue with two stories ( Echo March 4 ) in relation to diabetes ( a ) special foods , and ( b ) specialist nurses .
25 I just feel that I can take credit , or blame , for what I do and have done .
26 This does n't mean that you should take time off work ; quite the opposite , as it is preferable that you remain occupied while on the diet .
27 The Leader of the Opposition has said in the House that CAP reform would mean that he would take money from British farmers and spend it on farmers in southern countries .
28 I beleive that you will take pity and come at once , Your loving son Michael I am just crying like anythinke Come at once never mind anything else I am utterly miserable
29 I am sorry that the Leader of the Opposition has announced that he would take money from British farmers and contribute it to those in southern Europe .
30 ‘ He 's determined to die and he 'll take Pool with him if he can . ’
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