Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [pron] [noun sg] give [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 His food goes in a corner manger and a brick goes in with it ; the weight of the brick means he ca n't throw the manger about and we can only assume that its bulk gives him something to think about .
2 She responds to a comment by the monk on how she appears to have passed the night in sexual " labour " by bemoaning what she suffers as a wife , implying that her husband gives her no pleasure in bed and is mean with his money .
3 Mungo noticed that his window gave him a view of the field and the edge of the forest .
4 All heads turned as his father gave him such a clip that he landed in the muddy , freshly dug grave behind him .
5 Her figure though slender was well formed and her height gave her an almost regal appearance .
6 GRAHAM Finney does not mind that his hobby gives him the needle … for it helps him create textile masterpieces .
7 " We still like to take fuchsia cuttings but we are now more interested in small trees and shrubs , and most recently , in water and marginal plants " , explains Barbara , whose interest really began when her grandfather gave them his greenhouse when he was too ill to look after it .
8 Or suppose that your husband gave you a cheque for £15,000 ; would n't that be worth a hug ?
9 As the warrior Solor he possessed neither the exotic glamour of Ruzimatov nor the romantic height of Cope — and a dispassionate viewer would admit that his turban gave him an unfortunately gnome-like appearance .
10 As we learn to give ourselves more time to pause before activity , we will slowly become more and more aware of the warning signals that our body gives us when it is under stress .
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