Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [art] good [noun sg] is " in BNC.

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1 Basically it means that the nervous system which passes through the wrist in the carpal tunnel has been stressed and the best cure is rest , or in the case of trigger finger , an injection or even an operation .
2 Many feel a certain warmth for Kant 's idea that the only thing which is good without qualification and in all circumstances is a good will , without accepting that a good will is one concerned only with the performance of duty for duty 's sake .
3 Different sizes mean that the best use is made of the space available so that food loss and wastage are reduced .
4 It may be felt that the better course is not to deal with such matters in the partnership agreement itself but to leave the offer of consultancy to be produced as an inducement to or reward for retirement at such time as may appear to be in the firm 's best interests .
5 Nevertheless , the model does show that a good deal is now known about the illness , and this information provides both promising avenues for future research and implications for preventive intervention .
6 While some of these are not suitable for display , many others are not seen because a better example is already on display .
7 This serves to support some of the statements made in Section 12.5 and again emphasizes that a good index is one which permits effective retrieval .
8 Similarly , your employer , whether out of a genuine spirit of goodwill , a hard-headed assessment of the damage that a court case might do or a combination of the two , may decide that the best course is to seek an amicable parting of the ways .
9 It 's very difficult , though , to say what the right kind of photograph is , for obviously actors are very different , but remember that a good photograph is not necessarily an art photograph .
10 Since the field of view must be known before the exposure can reasonably be calculated this procedure is called before the best exposure is known .
11 Frequent supervision whilst the student attains proficiency is therefore necessary to ensure that a good technique is developed .
12 To ensure that the best return is achieved for the taxpayer , it is our normal policy to offer property not needed by the services for sale on the open market .
13 Oracle have stressed that , although their campaign began firmly under the umbrella of the RAF , any steps would be taken to ensure that the best crew is provided with the best resources to gain selection for the British team and become top Two Tonner at the Admiral 's Cup .
14 Do we not owe it to community charge payers in each of those areas to ensure that the best value is obtained for their money and that they get the most efficient service ?
15 As a consequence off-duty rotas should be monitored to ensure that the best use is being made of staff available .
16 Note that a good performance is more sums done but less time taken .
17 As our General Election rises to its soggy climax , you ought to compare the success of an economy where they believe that the best government is the least government .
18 For Rb 3 C 60 ( Fig. 2 b ) , we find that a good fit is obtained only if the MT term is negligible , which implies a large .
19 It is consequently scarcely surprising that Somali men tend to be very ambivalent in their attitudes towards these women 's ailments , especially since some impatient husbands find that the best cure is often a good beating !
20 I have great difficulty in picking them up with binoculars , but with × 7 I find that the best method is to start at the Delta-Epsilon pair and then proceed to Lambda ( 3.8 ) ; M12 forms a triangle with Lambda and Epsilon .
21 Training by association or ‘ correction-praise' works on the principle that a dog is motivated by knowing that a good action is followed by pleasure and reward and a bad action is followed by correction .
22 ‘ It is declared that a good wife is a crown to her husband , but Mrs. Crawley had been much more than a crown to him … she had been crown , throne and sceptre all in one ’ .
23 This means that the best solution is to upgrade to Release 3.1+ .
24 We think that the best approach is to place buying power in the hands of young people .
25 Well we 've actually turned away I think that the best thing is that you er that the three er obviously there 's .
26 Now it is an essential part of the day and young recruits quickly learn that a good breakfast is vital if they are to survive another demanding day .
27 No-one 's ashamed to admit that a good mind is a business plus , not to mention a smooth tongue , cool head and rock-solid handshake .
28 Our man in Companies House reports that the good doctor is the sole shareholder of the consultancy ( just two £1 shares have been issued ) and , contrary to various Companies Acts , no accounts have been returned since 1978 ( when total income was £260 in fees and £18 in donations ) .
29 It is often quoted that the best deal is where both sides have won !
30 Most people nowadays would agree that a good pub is one of our best traditions and a vital and distinctive ingredient of our national way of life .
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