Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [prep] [pron] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Held , allowing the appeal , that in determining the place in which the gross profit from a transaction arose or from which it derived the proper approach was to ascertain the operations that produced the relevant profits and where they took place ; that the relevant business of the taxpayer , the exploitation of film rights exercisable outside Hong Kong , did not amount to the provision of a service or the exploitation of property rights overseas , but was carried on in Hong Kong , and in the absence of any financial interest in the subsequent exercise of the rights , the fact that they were exercisable only overseas was irrelevant ; and that , therefore , the taxpayer 's profits from granting sub-licenses during the relevant years of assessment had arisen in or derived from Hong Kong , and under section 14 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance the taxpayer was liable to profits tax thereon ( post , pp. 444G–H , 445E , G–H , 446E–G ) .
2 It is inevitably highly selective , both in the Acts it covers and in what it includes from each Act .
3 Pizzorno argues that the modern underdevelopment of the south of Italy can only be understood in terms of the historical relationship of area to the locations of power and productivity by which it has been dominated and to which it has been marginal .
4 Michael Swinton is not , of course , one of our most distinguished painters , his style is too obvious , too photographic but I imagine that to you it seemed a wonderful distinction . ’
5 As soon as there is no longer a single master and no single slave , then the classic Hegelian reversal model on which Marxism depends and on which it bases its theory of revolution ( literally , an overturning ) is no longer adequate .
6 It is wrong not in what it says but in what it leaves out and implicitly denies .
7 The Adour , which is much the wider , is also the clearer , approximately water-coloured , you could say ; the Nive is the rich colour nearly of chocolate , which is appropriate enough given that Bayonne was long famous for the chocolate that it made and in which it traded .
8 The simplest answer to the question about what causes the sleep/wake rhythm to arise is that it is a reflection of the rhythmic world in which the newborn child has been placed and to which it begins to respond .
9 Yes , they raced , because you can remember that from what it says here .
10 At least if you 're directing that towards me it shows you know who I am . ’
11 If you can understand Berlin then perhaps it is also possible to make some sense of what Europe may now become and of what it means to be a European .
12 His conception of the ideal institution is clearly at variance with the real competitive environment in which the BBC exists and from which it draws its sustenance .
13 These included the Shiites , supporters of Ali , to whom Muhammad 's campaign was particularly slanted and with whom it proved especially successful in both Persia and Mesopotamia .
14 The main point about which the board will resist sideways drift and about which it turns .
15 As he stood contemplating it , as if hesitating to violate its calm , there was a moment of extraordinary silence in which even the muted roar of the traffic in the avenue was stilled and in which it seemed to him that two images , the shining façade of the house and that dusty blood-boltered room in Paddington , were held suspended out of time , then fused so that the stones were blood splattered , the caryatids dripped red .
16 I do not think I can bear this , thought Grainne , but even as the thought was framed , she knew that for someone it had had to be borne , there had been no escaping it , this bottomless dark pit , this vast endless night sea …
17 So it is evident that witchcraft ( or sorcery ) is a particular cultural conceptualization of envy and guilt : these are the emotions which it expresses and upon which it feeds .
18 For as soon as a news organization is established within a competitive economic system , it has to exercise choices about what sort of medium it is , what it does and for whom it does it .
19 Firstly , during the negotiations the purchaser will naturally be concerned to be reassured as to what it saw at the outset as being the merits of the proposed acquisition .
20 The creative mind is moved at least as much by those it knows as by what it reads , but the matter is largely obscure and often simply undiscoverable .
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