Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] as he [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 's his choice to come or go as he pleases , ’ he said .
2 Here , he was able to come and go as he pleased , as long as he was in between 11 p.m. at night and 7 a.m. in the morning .
3 Hagans was allowed to come and go as he pleased and only days later , he raped and murdered council worker , Anna McGurk , as she walked home from her office .
4 He had grey hair and a black moustache which rose and fell as he breathed .
5 His lips were hard , fierce , they explored and probed as he held her head with both his hands , his fingers stroking through the curls distractedly , almost wildly .
6 He is a volatile character , far more so than me , and he came and went as he pleased .
7 Rufus would n't have bothered , he came and went as he pleased , and anyway did n't believe parents should be pandered to in this way .
8 If what they say is derogatory , then that opinion ( false or unfair as it may be ) will be registered in the child 's subconscious mind and will grow and expand as he approaches adulthood .
9 His feet echo on the boards , a pause , then splashing and spluttering as he dives low out into the lake .
10 The concepts which it assumes as self-evident , until persistent failure to solve a problem calls attention to them , appear to an outsider as strange metaphorical structures to be examined and re-examined as he learns to find his way around the conceptual scheme .
11 A soviet ( or governing council ) representing each of the twelve nahijes ( districts ) within the pashalik was established , but its powers were vaguely defined and it became an instrument which Karadjordje could use or ignore as he felt fit .
12 He walked off , shuffling along with his hands tucked deep in his coat pockets and his shoulders hunched and swaying as he moved .
13 She saw his shoulders lift and fall as he sought to gain control of himself .
14 She giggled and pouted as he chatted to her .
15 He knew he had no choice in the matter but cursed and muttered as he fixed his saddle bags , harnessed Philomel and joined Cranston who sat slouched on his horse on the track outside the church .
16 He was kicked and punched as he lay huddled in a ball on the ground and had to spend three days in hospital .
17 His fingers jabbed and sketched as he explained the details .
18 Once at the first theatre , Dinah dismissed it , and gave the man too small a tip , for the first time in her life ; he scowled and spat as he drove off , and this disconcerted her ; never again , she swore , would she be short of money .
19 I cursed but did as he requested and afterwards we slipped down the darkened stairway out of the main door where Benjamin had ordered a sleepy-eyed groom to bring round the horses .
20 She watched and listened as he sat on the bed , held the frightened woman 's hand and made her believe it too .
21 Faced with an audience which included Dikaiopolis , the main character in Aristophanes ' Acharnians ( see lines 1ff. ) , farting and grumbling as he watched the Spartan ; put a match to the combustible parts of Attica , a speaker might well need to invent cruder techniques .
22 The temperature had dropped during the night , and the dead leaves underfoot were bearded with ice ; they broke and crackled as he limped around the car and opened the trunk to get his kit .
23 The needle immediately showed a reading , which then strengthened and weakened as he moved about the warehouse .
24 I turn and nod as he disappears backwards through the hatch .
25 For a while the man stood muttering and cursing as he clanked his heavy ring of keys , but at last he found the right one and they stepped on to the moonlit track which ran down like a strip of silver through the overhanging trees .
26 He wavered and lurched as he came .
27 The screen shivered and cleared as he cut off , which allowed me to offer him a few choice epithets that he could n't hear .
28 " Mother , he may come and go as he pleases .
29 I found Springsteen sitting on the draining-board gazing out of the kitchen window , which I have to open for him so he can come and go as he likes .
30 As soon as you deigned to tell me that the Svend you were looking for was a student , and that he 'd used my home as a hotel , I recalled that my nephew spent a night here shortly after I moved in so that he could attend a lecture at the city university , and that I 'd entrusted him with a spare key so he could come and go as he pleased . ’
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