Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [adj] [noun] [is] more " in BNC.

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1 It will be a world in which individuality is better respected and social consciousness is more mature .
2 As it might be argued that this microflora is more likely to exert pathogenic or protective effects in the intestine than the lumen flora , we were interested to determine the adherent and hydrophobic properties of our mucosal E coli isolates by techniques comparable with those used by others studying faecal isolates .
3 Britain , Sweden and West Germany are each giving around £100 million ; Canada , Japan , Kuwait and the EEC have ensured that total aid is more than £400 million .
4 Both have so far proved effective , which shows that ready cash is more versatile than credit cards and cheque books .
5 The state 's Police Minister , Ted Pickering , a consistent opponent of tighter gun laws , responded by saying that he did " not accept that any firearm is more dangerous than any other " .
6 When installing the software information is given but this approach is more expected of public domain or ‘ free ’ software , not a commercial product .
7 The West , in contrast , pretends that social planning is more central to its ideology than it really is and fails to support many of those who , for whatever reason , lose out on the benefits of the system .
8 Some scholars believe that this story is more theological than historical .
9 Equally , it seems that multiple deprivation is more apparent in some inner-urban cores than in others ( Hausner and Robson , 1985 ) — inner Birmingham , Liverpool , Glasgow and Manchester seemingly substantially worse than most others .
10 From what I have said , it follows that political union is more likely to be achieved when there is economic advantage .
11 It then becomes impossible to rank societies as more or less aggressive than one another , just as it is impossible to say that one society is more or less evil than another .
12 However , Clark argues that this exception is more apparent than real , arising from methodological procedures which essentially precluded scope for contrast .
13 Natural infection may have also contributed to the high seroprevalences in the IPV group 13–17 months after vaccination , although evidence from previous studies in poliomyelitis-free areas suggests that this finding is more likely to be due to brisk secondary responses in children who had been primed with OPV and who later received poliovirus antigen parenterally in the form of IPV .
14 Sometimes women turn their anger against themselves as in the pain of bereavement : take overdoses of sleeping pills , cut their hair short , rake their skin with their finger nails , feeling that physical pain is more tolerable than emotional pain .
15 1 Everyone knows that pop music is more fun than classical music .
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