Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] into the " in BNC.

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1 IT WAS a two-part induction process that dragged me into the brawling hostelry in the sky of NME Towers .
2 There was a bit of head-scratching as they pushed , squeezed and levered me into the passenger seat : ‘ The biggest bloke yet ’ .
3 A sudden flurry of shots rang out from the direction of the cainca , confirming the older man 's prediction , and without further argument the two boys turned and followed him into the jungle at a run .
4 Urgently Ramsay directed them , all but physically pushing and prodding them into the approximate shape of a great wedge .
5 She was too exhausted to resist and showed them into the living room .
6 She seemed inclined to give Harry short shrift , but at his mention of Heather 's name , she relented and showed him into the front room , where a meagre measure of calm and quiet prevailed .
7 Finally , still silent , she turned and led us into the main room .
8 We 're not expecting trouble from them and we 're there to help and direct them into the areas where they can get into the ground .
9 Helen nodded and followed him into the kitchen .
10 She had soaked the leather to bend and shape it into the form of a small shoe , but her hands were sore and her back ached and she wondered briefly if there might be an easier way of making a living than the trade her father had chosen for her .
11 Lucie threw down the cup he was holding and drove it into the mud with his foot .
12 I remember feeling Morris dealing with my dead-weight , as he folded and shovelled me into the back of the cab .
13 He grunted and followed me into the apartment .
14 His face and body were a mass of bruises after he had been attacked at his home by a forty-strong mob who were preparing to lynch him in the remains of his once beautiful garden when the military had arrived and bundled him into the back of a police van and brought him to La Tambier .
15 Now see how many of these countries ' capital cities you can name and fit them into the grid .
16 Rain had to choose whether to let him pass or lead him into the house and try to steer him away from the kitchen .
17 Stay with your way of praying , provided it helps and brings you into the presence of God .
18 ’ 'Well , go and brush it into the gutter . ’
19 For large tensile specimens most test machines use swivelling or gimbal grip mountings to avoid such effects of non-axiality , but when small specimens are used , of a few millimetres in cross-section as is common with polymer tests , axiality may become more difficult to achieve because the mass of the swivelling grip requires considerable stress to rotate or move it into the axial position .
20 Let me just , just show you a little thing here just enclosing , just linking it up there , there it is , it 's , it 's a well known little picture , it 's a picture of a wheel where there in the centre the hub is Christ , you see when the hub has got to be the centre otherwise the wheel does not run true and there with Christ is the hub , the centre of your life , the centre of my life , and you and I our lives our selves , there on the outside , were the rim and there 's those spokes that hold it together and make it run true the spoke of , of the bible , God 's word allowing him to speak to us , the spoke of prayer , our communion with God , our praying to him , the spoke of obedience following him obeying him , bringing our lives into , into line with what he says in his word , he says if you love me you will keep my commandments , that 's why we 've got to learn and get to know them from his word and then the spoke of fellowship somebody as likened them to prayer , being like air , our breath , the bible being like food , giving us nourishment and strength , fellowship , it 's the family situation and in just as in a nature family there is , that is the place for care , it 's the place for support it 's the place of sharing , it 's the place of love , where it should be , so God 's family , and then the final one their obedience like exercise , keeping fit , it 's the callisthenics , it 's keeping the muscles toned , obeying what he tells us in his word , well that 's what it means to be a Christian bringing ourselves into line with him and allowing him to re-fashion us in his image and it 's a process that 's going on all the time , Wesley and his hymn talks about us being used and the scripture being changed from glory into glory , till in heaven we take our place there , like him , John says when we see him , we shall be like him , but we shall see him as he is and that 's God 's purpose for you and for me , to be like him , and the moment we come to him and respond to him , the process starts and it goes on , day in , day out , night in , night out , week in , week out , over the years him changing and fashioning us into the image of his son , because that 's how he created us originally , he created to be like him and in this new creation , we were singing we are a new creation , it 's to be like him .
21 We even stopped going across Vernadsky Avenue , just where the bridge was , because we were afraid that a lorry might come and shove us into the river .
22 In reality , the mechanics went wrong when he first appeared and shot him into the air , out of sight .
23 It was this desire to win that dragged and sucked them into the war .
24 ‘ It was hers , ’ he said and hurled it into the pool .
25 And she picked up the plate of spurned buck rarebit and emptied it into the bin under the counter .
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