Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And you 're supposed to try and link it with bigger groups of children , so if you say you say you 've got primary skills
2 We got so fed up with the leaking roof that we decided to try and mend it with some tar .
3 He rose and kissed her with spontaneous pleasure .
4 Anyone who has served with him at the Department — and I am talking not just about his present ministerial team — knows that he not only brings a greater degree of expertise to his job than anyone I can remember but does it with great inventiveness in terms of improving benefits and with an exceptional degree of compassion and , above all , integrity .
5 They were the sport of rich noblemen who hunted and ate them with terrific enthusiasm — until there were none .
6 Little is known of his early life except for his recollection that at the age of nine or ten he ‘ did so offend the Lord that He did scare and terrify me with dreadful visions ’ , and that he was greatly afflicted at that time with thoughts of the Day of Judgement .
7 We 'll try and get it with this .
8 The ease of transferring from one public service scheme to another and the fact that your pension keeps up with price increases are important factors to consider when comparing them with private sector schemes , which generally do not keep up with inflation and where you can lose out if you leave .
9 Their time is constantly spent in tilling the soil , manuring it with ashes , raking and hoeing it with wooden hoes .
10 Er I mean if I if I try and cover it with one of our professional salesmen ,
11 Jim Smyth of the Ulster Workers ' Council emphasised and re-emphasised it with particular skill and persistence .
12 He blinked and regarded me with confused surprise .
13 It was impossible to hug and kiss her with those letters in the background ( all the more , since this was to be their first , and thus an unforgettable , kiss ) , and so he had no choice but to turn back with a bitter sense of capitulation .
14 Better watch out now she 's gon na come and get me with this bloody thing !
15 As casualties occur you can remove any of the models fighting and replace them with any models from a rearward rank — so you can change the ratio of nets to clubs by , say removing a club and replacing it with a net .
16 Sturt was about to proceed upon a new expedition into the interior of Australia I beg to send for your perusal a Letter I have lately received from him and from which you will perceive that he has written to Lord Stanley ; as I know no one better fitted for such a purpose than this enterprising and persevering Gentleman I do hope the Government may be disposed to second his views ; perhaps , your Lordship , could obtain and favour me with some information on the subject ; from the manner in which you referred to him in your Letter I am led to believe that some arrangement has already been made ; pray say if such be the case .
17 ‘ No , ’ said Cardiff , noting with rising anger that Rohmer was just standing and watching him with that smile on his face again .
18 A tower wagon was waiting at the Lower Church Street corner to remove the junction in the overhead wires as soon as the last trolleybus had passed and replace it with plain wires leading only in the Mitcham direction .
19 Watching him finding the food and preparing and cooking it with deft and practised skill , Julia marvelled at his practicality .
20 Acclaiming him as one of the chief progenitors , the critics come not to bury but to praise him with faint damns .
21 A breeding pair will chose a site for spawning and defend it with typical cichlid aggression .
22 And she ke , said yo when th , one day when there was , went out for play time quarter of an hour they rang the bell , she asked me to stop and help her with some papers .
23 He plucked and ate them with surprising sensuality , sucking out the juice and spitting the pips into his left hand .
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