Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] [noun pl] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is expected that support materials for the first clusters will be available in summer 1992 .
2 Somehow she doubted that preparing meals for the child and the husband featured very high on the agenda .
3 Only after unsuccessful attempts in 1949 , 1950 , and 1951 did he seek and find funds for a new boat , called , like all his cars and boats , ‘ Bluebird ’ .
4 May we use our anger in a productive way to try and change things for the better .
5 Her work was a credit to her , for in those days , long before washing machines and tumble driers she would wash , dry and iron sheets for the princely sum of 4d .
6 We freeze and drown worms for a few more minutes .
7 These calculations account for the enthusiasm with which some reformers embraced and recommended models for the development of self-regulation amongst slaves .
8 So far , the explanation of corporate crime has concentrated on the specific long-term goal-orientated feature of corporations and the personnel who might become suited knights ambitiously pursuing the Holy Grail of profits , and who would , if necessary , be willing to initiate and execute crimes for the good of the corporation .
9 The 1980 Education Act , which extended parental choice of schools , was seen as creating pressures for the raising of academic standards .
10 The charity still continues but as well as maintaining and providing extras for the school , grants are given for further education or books .
11 It was decided to bring in Leeds-based Moss International to promote and find sponsors for the 1988 pie , ‘ pie ‘ 88 ’ as it came to be known .
12 We may no longer need to raise money to build hospitals , but money is certainly needed to support and build hospices for the terminally ill and for those areas of health care that the hard-pressed resources of the National Health Service do not reach .
13 A clerk may : ( i ) transfer proceedings to another court ; ( ii ) appoint a guardian ad litem or a solicitor for a child ; ( iii ) give , vary or revoke directions for the conduct of proceedings under FPCR , r14 ; ( iv ) make repeat interim care , supervision or s8 orders which are unopposed and on the same terms as previous orders ; ( v ) issue a witness summons under s97 of the Magistrates ' Courts Act 1980 ; ( vi ) request a welfare report .
14 " He also buys and sells antiques for a living and he has promised to come down next week and have a proper look and then perhaps take a few things back to London to some man he knows who is an expert on Oriental China and objets d'art . "
15 The tragedy of the situation is that if the application succeeds , it will destroy the wildlife ‘ safe haven ’ he has created , as the existing lakes will be used as settling basins for the millions of gallons of water and sediment to be pumped from the proposed gravel pit .
16 The hangar was used to service and prepare parachutes for the armed services .
17 They also contain criteria against which mineral development applications will be assessed and describe policies for the restoration and after-use of mineral sites .
18 Roll and tilt angles for the bases in the central region are low , remaining within 3° and 4° of zero , respectively .
19 Or , if you like , we could try and get tickets for a production of the Royal Shakespeare Company . ’
20 If you like , I could try and get tickets for The Merry Widow .
21 The salary of the ophthalmic photographer , depreciation of the van and camera , running and servicing costs for the van , and the cost of the film and its processing were all accounted for in the calculation of the cost of the service .
22 The software supplied allows various options such as Oscilloscope ; Digital Voltmeter ; Multimeter ; ADC Readings etc. , and also allows the parameters within each option to be changed e.g. triggering and timebase settings for the ‘ scope .
23 Home demand and supply curves for the good are represented by Dh and Sh , and PuSu and PwSw are the partner country and rest of the world supply curves .
24 An evaluation of the source established the accuracy of the information it contained and formulated definitions for the various terms employed .
25 Carello Lighting manufactures and sells lamps for the automotive industry , such as headlamps , rear lamps and indicators .
26 This new board has been set up with equal representation from CGLI and BTEC to validate and examine courses for the Certificate of Pre-vocational Education ( CPVE ) .
27 I do carry a few prizes if I have requests but I prefer to have people involved and enjoying games for the fun of joining in and having a good time , rather than to win a reward .
28 0839–141414 Practical advice on choosing and using products for the home .
29 0839–141414 Practical advice on choosing and using products for the home .
30 Priority had to be given to the statutory duties of constructing and publishing procedures for the assessment of pupils with special needs and the monitoring of their progress .
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