Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 High above them the constant roof of clouds would merely lighten and darken in a long solar axial period of 116.8 days .
2 She had n't expected to get much sleep , but exhaustion finally overcame her and she lapsed into a fitful , restless doze , tossing and turning through the long night as dreams haunted her mind .
3 These fundamental axioms were refined , clarified and applied through a long series of debates and conflicts with the Liberal Theology in which he had been trained , and which he had earlier enthusiastically followed , with the claims of the Führer to be the chosen instrument of divine providence , and with colleagues , notably Emil Brunner ( 1889–1966 ) , Rudolf Bultmann ( 1884–1976 ) and Friedrich Gogarten ( 1887 — 1967 ) , whose approaches , though having some affinities with his own , he felt in the end to be in varying degrees unsatisfactory .
4 He turned , their eyes met and held for a long , tense moment , then suddenly Penry flung away , so precipitate in his hurry to leave that he forgot to duck .
5 Many are a temporary condition but there are certain types which are difficult to treat and last for a long time .
6 When he 'd gone I lay and thought for a long time about poor young Mr Vickers , and of what I should have told Doone , and had n't .
7 The needles splinter the wind into dirges and laments that tell of the long and tragic history of the trees .
8 ( b ) they are more efficient and thus save you time and work in the long term .
9 Milner ( 1975 ) has summarised and contributed to the long history of research which demonstrates black children 's denial of their colour ( Clark and Clark , 1947 ) , and their preference for white identity ( Goodman , 1964 ) .
10 ( i ) Of course , when A = Z and ρ is multiplication , the above merely repeats results we 've known and used for a long time .
11 As in most parts of Britain the Hercynian movements at the end of the Carboniferous were accompanied and followed by a long period of erosion .
12 The first is that with another ten years of John Paul 's rule , the silencing of awkward bishops and theologians , the appointment to the episcopate of a most carefully selected team of neo-conservatives , a rather traditionalist form of Catholicism will , in fact , harden and remain for a long time effectively unchangeable .
13 Nathaniel Sherman stumbled slightly at the entrance of his hut , and his wife heard him cursing and fumbling for a long time with the flap fastenings .
14 She watched as Dana twirled and twisted before a long mirror , making the dress shimmer with a thousand lights .
15 Here in the great saloon , light and airy with its tall mullioned windows facing north and south , its smart bolection moulding around the panelling and its groaning tables of food , the men would congregate and feast after a long morning 's deer hunting in the park .
16 That leaves mothers , children and older people behind in the mad scramble for the doors when the bus arrives , to stand packed together jolted and elbowed for the long slow journeys .
17 One Monday morning I lay in bed looking out of my skylight window at nothing in particular ; there was n't anything to see except sky because the window was merely a hole in the roof which you could open or shut with a long wooden handle .
18 On reaching the top of the hill , Tess paused and looked for a long time at the familiar green world of home .
19 Dot waited and waited in the long brown corridor with nowhere to sit .
20 The moment she hit one of the papers , she braked and went into a long skid , sliding right across the kitchen floor to the other wall , which she thumped into , still standing on her ‘ magic carpet ’ .
21 She closed her eyes again , tossed and turned for a long time , then finally managed to get a couple of hours of disturbed sleep .
22 ‘ I have no intention of meeting her , ’ Jenna began , but he too stood and looked towards the long windows as a car came speedily to the house .
23 She felt his chest rise and fall on a long , slightly unsteady intake of breath .
24 Riots in the United States were once described as continuing through a long hot summer .
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