Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [verb] [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She tried looking out of the window to the hospital 's green lawns and the tall eucalypts that stood motionless against a gloriously blue August sky , but found that looking away seemed too impolite .
2 Then again , Pontius Pilate , he rejected the Lord Jesus , although he was entreated and warned not to do so by his loved one .
3 She had presumed that only children cried and was disturbed to see that grownups sometimes did so .
4 These were lightly built and have not survived well in the archaeological record ; nevertheless , the remains of cult houses measuring about 4 metres across have been found at Gazi , Kefala ( in the Pediados district ) , Plai tou Kastrou near Kavousi , and at Pachlitsani Agriada .
5 In Britain particularly , people do n't like serving and do n't serve well .
6 It has never wavered and has consistently fought ever since for the adoption of this method .
7 Enjoy what you can do and do n't get too worried about what you ca n't .
8 ( Hence , notably in ‘ Gerontion ’ , Eliot 's ability to approximate and even conform to Jacobean blank verse , yet to depart from it smoothly when he pleased. ) Pound 's verse on the contrary was , at least after Homage to Sextus Propertius , free , not ‘ freed ’ : the rhythms that he sought and attained either had never appeared before in the language , or else had not appeared there for many centuries .
9 He knew little more about her now than when they had first encountered each other in the abbey ruins on a blustery August evening less than six weeks earlier , had for a minute stood and gazed and had then moved silently towards each other in a wordless , amazed recognition .
10 Many may have been persuaded or encouraged not to do so by the uncertainty in the law , so I would not go quite as far as my hon. Friend in suggesting that local authorities alone are to blame .
11 Awareness of time and even of whether I was waking or sleeping soon drained away .
12 I would have thought that hed also steer clear of mentioning old codgers , seeing as Hoddle and MAL DONAGHY ( double pfffttt ! ! ) , amongst others , turned his team over that day .
13 He had a heavy moustache and wore a brown gaberdine suit that did n't fit too well .
14 This case was full of odds and ends that did n't fit together .
15 He said the captain who had been in command of the patrol had been correct to order his men to fire and doing so had probably saved their lives .
16 As for team-boss Teddy Mayer , he knew that he had a winning combination going and did n't interfere as much as he does when things are going less well .
17 The suits and breathing equipment have been washed and set aside to dry properly and will be tested early next week .
18 He 'd heard sounds he did n't like and had n't heard before .
19 A replacement was approved and shooting finally went ahead .
20 I am also confident that BT is not achieving that by exploiting customers because of the tight price controls which Labour could never offer , since in its day the company was nationalised and did not work nearly as well .
21 But the surprising interlude — the lava , pouring at the rate of a million tons a day since December from Europe 's highest and most active volcano , has not stopped but has simply stopped here — provided a rare example of nature doing the protecting .
22 It was the only thing she 'd been wearing that had n't come away when they undressed .
23 We know that does n't work very well — it has n't stopped people smoking .
24 He let the rod drop and stood there breathing hard , Carey between his feet .
25 The highwayman was guilty of an aggravated form of stealing and did not obtain even a voidable title .
26 Before exercise , cGMP concentrations of New York Heart Association ( NYHA ) class I patients were only slightly raised and did not differ significantly from concentrations of healthy controls or patients with non-cardiac diseases .
27 DMT existed in the streets in the Sixties where it gained a reputation as the businessman 's acid , because it could be smoked and did n't last too long .
28 The two deaths recorded during this study both occurred in patients who were moribund when first assessed and did not survive long enough to reach hospital .
29 She stiffened but did n't answer immediately , pretending to study her notes with fixed concentration .
30 People who give up cigarettes very commonly report explicit ( and guilty ) dreams about smoking in the first few weeks , even though there is every reason to believe that sleep actually becomes less disturbed on withdrawal from nicotine .
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