Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] when we [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It stopped only when we told them to leave .
2 No Richard because the whole thing can fall through when we have our survey done it might show a defect or something , we might pull out , when they have their survey done it might show a defect so they might pull out , you do n't do anything Richard until the contracts have been exchanged , then you can start saying right I think that 's , that 's , every thing 's definite
3 The God-shaped vacuum within us makes itself felt most when we ask ourselves — or our psychiatrist — ‘ Who am I ? ’
4 We 'd just moved in when we discovered we had a mouse in the kitchen .
5 We had a shop in Nairobi and came here when we got our vouchers in 1971 .
6 What is going on when we get our students seriously to reflect in this way ?
7 but we do if we look out when we see it coming down I save a couple of quid up each week that , then I 've got the money again
8 I caught a glimpse of her , eyes red with fury , and I wondered if my last hour had come , but Bill , the man who was on guard , managed to push her back with the aid of a large plank , and she soon quietened down when we passed her babies back . ’
9 ‘ He … he waits about when we have our dinner break .
10 But there is a major flaw that was pointed out when we had our last discussion about counting that alongside other factors , that you do a certain amount of work dependent on what your current staffing levels are .
11 We shafted Connelly when we took his shipment of coke but a gang war would n't have been any use to either of us .
12 Because all human beings are fallible , with individual fears and weaknesses , it is so easy for the foundation for a similar fear in our children to be laid even when we think we are doing our best for them .
13 The model is referred to as the ‘ grandmother cell ’ theory because it predicts that we should have populations of cells in our brains that fire only when we see our grandmothers .
14 ‘ This place was very run down when we bought it , ’ she said , looking round lovingly .
15 They seldom waved or called to us , responding only when we greeted them with a most unEgyptian reserve .
16 Problems arise only when we overstretch ourselves .
17 Problems arise only when we overstretch ourselves .
18 He was somewhat taken aback when we identified ourselves as Customs , muttering something about clearing customs at Poole Quay later .
19 It was quite difficult to get flights at this time of year ; when we first applied they said , come back when we know our schedules , and when we went back , they said sorry , nearly everything is booked up .
20 ‘ Anwar is my oldest friend in the world , ’ he said sadly when we told him everything .
21 And , invariably , it comes out when we hate someone enough .
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