Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] if it is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This entails , as was pointed out above , that disobedience to a law is justified only if it is justified by an existing legal doctrine to that effect .
2 However , the buy-in or redemption may be carried out if it is approved by shareholders in general meeting and they have been given details of the offer in the circular .
3 But central government need not give such an undertaking if it is seeking to enforce compliance with a statute or regulation ; although it must do so if it is seeking to protect its property or contractual interests .
4 Looking for sherds that will join together is a very time-consuming process , and is only usually done thoroughly if it is suspected that such joins exist and will add significantly to the evidence .
5 Contrariety will only appear here if it is specified that apples ( or pears ) constituted the whole of the purchase : All I bought were some apples/pears .
6 It seems then that a Romalpa clause will , if properly worded , work in the case of unmixed goods and the proceeds of sale of unmixed goods , but that in the case of mixed goods ( and their proceeds of sale ) will work only if it is registered as a charge created by the buying company .
7 Mr Pavlov said that the anti-crisis programme will work only if it is backed by all 15 republics .
8 The Bill will work better if it is implemented properly , if there is access to training for all who want it , if there are flexible patterns of employment to enable nurses to stay in the work force following post-basic training and if community care — where they will be doing their work — is implemented and fully funded .
9 Most studies consider only social behaviour in the herd , or readily observed facts , such as that the horse is easily frightened , or that it will work better if it is rewarded rather than punished .
10 The legislature 's vote was an embarrassment for Mr Kravchuk , but it has left Ukraine with a paralysed government at a time when the country must react swiftly if it is to survive increased prices for Russian fuel .
11 When dialect is a matter of different words being used , naturally it will be understood only if it is known previously .
12 Such a wide discretion must be exercised fairly if it is to comply with the requirements of natural justice .
13 You need to use THEN if it is followed by : or you wish to exit from a function as a result of the test .
14 Do n't join in if it is getting hurtful .
15 Dame Gillian Brown thanked the speakers with great enthusiasm , congratulated the Principal on ensuring the succession , and also thanked Patricia Hutchinson and Mary Keen for a successful meeting , and the University Womens ' Club ( worth joining even if it is known as Pussy Cat Hall by my irreverent 88 year old cousin , a St. Hugh 's gal ) gave us rather a good tea .
16 This applies even if it is described as a ‘ reimbursement ’ .
17 This thought can be entertained only if it is accepted that the universe is eternal and timeless , and the theory of a once only chance association of circumstances causing life , be abandoned .
18 A clear reluctance on the part of many Japanese even to discuss the problem suggests a reluctance to admit to the existence of the burakumin as an outcaste group , on the assumption that a problem that is not talked about is not a problem , or at least is one that will go away if it is ignored .
19 The actions of human characters involve a whole grammar of visual signals which the audience will pick up if it is given the right clues .
20 But insurers have agreed to pay out if it is discovered in future that procedures which would now be classified as benign are found to cause environmental damage .
21 Hospice administrator Deidre Shaw said : ‘ Our shop is a most essential source of income and can only operate well if it is given support by the public .
22 This can be achieved only if it is recognised that research is essential in surgical practice and should be encouraged but , equally , that the person concerned must learn to operate .
23 Unused cement from open bags will last longer if it is transferred to well-sealed plastic bags .
24 She , too , places her professional reputation on the line and any criticism of the clinical environment or her style of management needs to be handled tactfully if it is to receive a good hearing .
25 Processes such as DVI , for example , will need to improve radically if it is to provide acceptable video at HDTV standards .
26 This dries out downwards , just as a wet towel dries out if it is placed with its top in a current of warm air .
27 Graydon will have to move fast if it is to enable to NCM to compete with TI 's credit limit underwriting on UK exposures .
28 Finally partnership activity will have to be funded adequately if it is to achieve much worthwhile .
29 ‘ This is a terrific resource but it must be managed sensitively if it is to survive . ’
30 The heater matrix on the SIII commonly blocks up if it is used with hard water so it may need cleaning out by a radiator specialist or replacing as flushing with cleaning chemicals is not very effective .
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