Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] to [noun] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 They could n't be relied on to cope with the situation and our safety at the same time .
2 And now you 've come down to London with no accommodation apart from that grotty little hotel , and signed a lease on a shop you 've never seen before , with no independent survey , no up-to-date trading figures and no solicitor to check the terms of the agreement ? ’
3 The neck pickup was warm and fat , the middle slightly brighter but still with lots of depth ( ideal for clean rhythm playing ) , while the bridge unit was sharp enough to create a nice shimmer through an outboard chorus , but warm enough to solo with the amp overdriving slightly .
4 Tormented by allegations of adultery , draft evasion , and venality , he has limped through to victory with an empty campaign , crafted to avoid giving offence to anybody .
5 The imagination of danger keeps us immersed in a story ; the adventurous court it in actual life ; the unadventurous relate with gusto how they were carried off to hospital with an undiagnosed and probably fatal illness , as a vivid patch in an otherwise uneventful life .
6 Keeping up to date with the latest product developments can be a full time job , particularly in the scientific world .
7 ‘ We are delighted with the results so far , especially the performance , which stands up to comparison with the rest of the sports car world .
8 But first things first , and while Duncan headed back to town with the VW riding piggyback on his truck , I turned back towards Maidstone and the hospital .
9 she jerked back to consciousness with a little cry of began resolutely to read .
10 But Mr Kohl 's lack of forthrightness in acting against racist attacks and his reluctance to take up the cause of their victims suggests a chancellor , if not a country , who has yet to come fully to terms with the past .
11 In the towns , markets contain whole sections given over to stalls with a vast variety of herbs and roots for every conceivable ailment from toothache to tuberculosis .
12 The young New Zealander came down to earth with a bruising bump in the World Cup and still has much to learn , but he remains potentially an all-rounder of world class .
13 Having survived ten days in the Caribbean unbeaten and relatively unscathed , in St Kitts we came down to earth with a large thump and were soundly thrashed by the island 's powerful side , which contained several hard hitting batsmen .
14 It was time he came down to earth with a bump , she thought , literally .
15 Dr Neil came down to earth with a bump .
16 On Monday morning Shelley came down to earth with a bang .
17 But first , after a weekend when Swindon Town came down to earth with a bump , here 's Tim with the sport .
18 AIR travellers came down to earth with a bump yesterday when they joined in some charity aerobics .
19 AIr travellers came down to earth with a bump yesterday when they joined in some charity aerobics .
20 Rye must be soaked in hot water to destroy an anti-growth hormone in the seed coat before it is given to livestock , but triticale kernels can be fed directly to livestock with no harmful side-effects .
21 Others who have not this privilege would be well advised to listen carefully to recordings with the score , and to go over many times passages which seem to them obscure or unfamiliar in sound at a first hearing .
22 Monday , the Colonel came back to lunch with a big grin on his face .
23 Shortly afterwards , a waiter came across to Pascoe with a note .
24 While Eloise was sailed round to Holyhead with a prize crew from the cutters on board , more arrests were being made around the country and suspects were picked up in Sussex , Dorset , London , South Wales and County Durham .
25 It is not always in the interest of farmers or agents to go directly to companies with an interest in selling equipment or attempt to design a system themselves .
26 More seriously sacrilegious is surely Saint Pierre et le jongleur , " Saint Peter and the jongleur " , in which a jongleur 's soul goes off to Hell with a number of other satirically identified characters — jousting men , usurers , thieves , bishops , priests , monks , abbots , knights — but presents itself , incongruously , as that of a relatively good character , anxious , for instance , to please its new infernal master ( in a witty parody of the Orpheus story ) by singing .
27 Thursday dawned as dully as the day before and Fabia got out of bed and went through the routine of getting showered and dressed and going down to breakfast with a total lack of enthusiasm or appetite .
28 Between leaving school and going off to war with the Navy , he had worked on the Sharpness tugs for British Waterways .
29 Home and school had worn her success like a prize rosette , and she trotted off to university with a stack of leather-bound prizes and dire warnings about hard work , early nights and regular meals .
30 Yeah erm tt well if I was you I 'd probably try and , and keep up to date with the stuff that 's happening now
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