Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] and i [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Eventually they caught on and I think they enjoyed our banter .
2 There was an old deckhouse off a ship and these old chaps used to meet there and I suppose they 'd be talking of old times — shipbuilding .
3 Let's try and get it on the board , which somebody has written on and I told them about that and asked them to clean it , but , bring a spray can of white paint next time .
4 But I could tell no more than I have written here and I think they all knew from the start it was hopeless .
5 ‘ Supporters have been brilliant since I took over and I hope they will continue to back the team .
6 My hands are shaking again and I put them between my legs .
7 I think historically although you know historians can much better than me , erm historically maybe the way that the rock has been worked with a bagging system and it was you know and lots of quarry men had little bits of farm as well around Blaenau especially and you get a feeling er from reading about it that er you know they have a an almost self employed attitude to their to their work and their rock and the fact that er they 'd do it in their own you know wor work the rock in a certain way and this and very sort of proud erm of their work and that and From talking a lot to them and being close to you know it you feel that that that 's still very much the same really you know there is this sort of close relationship and that with their em employers there was you know a lot of you know was n't it was n't straight it as straight as you said a straight employer employee relationship that they was A lot of s sort of er give and take probably and I think they were outraged at this sort of McGregor type tactic really that you know this new machine .
8 The whole concept of the various courses here and schools here , I think they work marvellously and I think they 're stimulating and I think , from my own point of view , admirable in this breadth of examination and erm investigation and enlightenment , which personally I think is desperately erm important in our current erm communities and that to specialising too soon erm really can be almost counter-productive .
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