Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [v-ing] that [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The city has changed so much that anyone who has been away for a couple of years could be forgiven for thinking that he arrived in a time machine , not an airliner .
2 You might be forgiven for thinking that I see an ideal speaker-hearer as someone who relies on everyone else to complete his conversational turns , never finishes a sentence , speaks very quickly and often with his mouth full , never answers questions , always repeats himself , says nothing without hedging , and invariably forgets what he wants to say — but who survives , if only by ending his utterance with a triumphant whatchamacallit .
3 In the light of this amended agreement , the British LTA might have been forgiven for thinking that it had pre-empted any legal action over its former agreement , which it had sent to Brussels for consideration as long ago as September 1990 .
4 ‘ He mentioned in passing that you had a lot of female visitors , that 's all .
5 Boys need to be discouraged from assuming that they know what women 's position is .
6 I think later on perhaps it 's easier erm but basically I think boys need to be discouraged from assuming that they know what women 's position is .
7 As it was , the ‘ smokeless shimmer of vapour ’ was so cooled by cleaning that it drifted across the river to cause mischief with the leadwork on Wren 's great dome .
8 The state 's Police Minister , Ted Pickering , a consistent opponent of tighter gun laws , responded by saying that he did " not accept that any firearm is more dangerous than any other " .
9 There is an oddity in the argument , which starts by insisting that we speak only of probability relative to evidence , and ends by talking of a proposition having a probability of 1 in its own right .
10 In order to calculate what your entitlement to the additonal reg=additional pension is , the DHSS starts by assuming that you have always been contracted in .
11 However , because the customer does not need to state in writing that he wants to be treated as a private customer , it is best to have an express written consent .
12 what she 'd collected by saying that she has n't really gone to any
13 Amiss thought of mentioning that it had tasted like condensed milk with a tea bag waved at it , but felt that might be a slur on Alf 's taste-buds .
14 Although there had clearly been a great deal of bumping and brawling , Aboyeur 's jockey Edwin Piper declared on unsaddling that he had would not object .
15 Dick really could n't make head or tail of the place and resorted to believing that he had no personal problems , and that the Centre had little to do with cures , which was true .
16 This view avoids the necessity of explaining how an increase in complexity can occur by denying that it happens , but only at the expense of supposing not only that there is a minute homunculus in the egg but that within that homonculus there is an egg containing a still more minute homonculus , and so on , in Chinese box fashion , ad infinitum — or , if not ad infinitum , at least back to Eve , who carried within her a sufficient number of successively smaller homunculi to account for all the future generations of mankind .
17 For example , to place the concept ‘ hypertext ’ in a semantic net , one might begin by saying that it contains documents , runs on computers , and serves users .
18 Edward made his own views clear by stating that he regarded the 1328 treaty as invalid because it had been made when he was a minor and under the tutelage of others and that his title to the overlordship of Scotland should be reasserted .
19 He opened by stating that he felt ‘ that a complete separation of crime from sin would not be good for the moral law and might be disastrous for the criminal ’ .
20 When the British civil servant Sir Robert Armstrong struggled in the Spycatcher trial to deny that he had lied by claiming that he had been ‘ economical with the truth ’ he met with well-earned derision .
21 This problem is , of course , easily avoided by ensuring that you stick to one particular font imaging system throughout the production process ; eg PostScript or Bitstream — never a mixture .
22 With regard to the latter , it should be noted that many Glasgow deaf church members around that time were very religious and so strongly disapproved of drinking that they formed their own temperance Society , the Glasgow Mutual Improvement Society .
23 Last time I wrote for Contact I finished by saying that we hoped to go and see Miss Saigon .
24 We elected Peter as Chairman and he began by saying that we needed national appeals to raise money in all the richest countries .
25 Many headhunters themselves accept that some candidates are justified in considering that they have had a raw deal .
26 But he knew he was well known for knowing that he 'd got you .
27 perhaps a way should be found of ensuring that we experience both the ordinariness and the extraordinariness of the glass , he wrote .
28 Moreover , the fact that he fails to realise the ironic force of the question , and rushes into affirming that he does know the Queen is ample demonstration of the extent to which , beneath his posturing , he has lost his composure under the pressure of the situation .
29 In summary , it is when capital expenditure is financed from borrowing that we see the most fundamental difference between local government accounting and commercial accounting .
30 ‘ And another day I bought a hip bath in a junk shop talk about Edwardian house parties … = ’ Mervyn rambled on , but Ianthe was hardly conscious of what he was saying beyond feeling that he did n't seem to expect an answer .
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