Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun pl] and [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The city of Kyoto , the imperial capital , lies surrounded by hills and is frequently bathed in mists .
2 John Lovett , deputy head of Hayling School , Hayling Island , has been interviewed by detectives and is now on police bail .
3 Cerecloth , a waxed unbleached linen — nowadays only seen as the protective sheet between the top of an altar and the fair linen — was rarely used for shrouds and is more associated with the wrapping of embalmed corpses , having been used as an adjunct to such hygienic treatment .
4 It is well worth visiting and contains facsimiles of many fine and interesting manuscripts , but be prepared for the fact that it is geared to schools and is therefore rather didactic .
5 An inherited predisposition to alcoholism has also been found in women and is evidently transmitted through the mother .
6 The first half of this quotation is well known to lawyers and is often quoted .
7 The other two departments are concerned that ‘ any information which is publicly available is also known to competitors and is therefore of little use ’ .
8 But after hearing the the judges ruling he surrendeed to police and is tonight on his way back to jail .
9 Our fee for this type of work would be based on time taken plus outlays and is very dependent upon the number of companies in the sample .
10 SS shows the quantity of films supplied at each price received by producers and is also the marginal social cost of producing films .
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