Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun sg] of the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most of his contemporaries would have shrugged their shoulders and let it remain as part of the natural order of things .
2 It 's a handy program for anyone who needs to send a large variety of business letters and who does n't want to faff about thinking of the right thing to say .
3 Ron lived to see the latter ambition fulfilled from the foundations he laid as Chairman of the racing section of the British Canoe Union and Olympic Team Manager .
4 Applied geology mapping Engineering geological interpretations of the soils and rocks of the Wrexham and Stoke-on-Trent areas were completed as part of the applied geological mapping of these areas for the Department of the Environment .
5 Reservoirs at Sulby and Naseby , both in valleys of feeders to the Avon , were completed as part of the main construction programme in 1914 and 1921 respectively ; the head of Naseby was raised in 1934 and ‘ New Sulby ’ , better known as Welford Reservoir , came into use in 1837 .
6 On March 18 Finland applied for membership of the European Communities ( EC ) .
7 Switzerland applied for membership of the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) and the World Bank on June 6 , 1990 .
8 A Higher National Unit analogous to ‘ Basic European Community Processes ’ , mentioned above , is currently being developed as part of the new HNC in Public Administration .
9 Whether they believe that we change through investigation of the unconscious mind , through investigation of the relationship that forms between a therapist and client , through group experience or through changing patterns of behaviour will depend to some extent on which one of these experiences they can best identify with themselves .
10 Before embarking he was honoured as knight of the Royal Hanoverian Guelphic Order .
11 This control is justified as part of the general responsibility of central government for national economic management , and since 1990 it has been achieved mainly by controlling the money used to finance capital expenditure .
12 Denktash , it was stressed , was received as leader of the Turkish Cypriot community in Cyprus , and not as " President " of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus .
13 The first case to consider is that in which , in many relatively early societies , an artist of a certain kind — often in fact a poet — was officially recognized as part of the central social organization itself .
14 At a meeting of the Slovak government on Oct. 13 , certain presidential powers were transferred to Meciar ; the Prime Minister was recognized as C.-in-C. of the armed forces until a president was elected , would represent the Slovak Republic externally , and would have certain judicial powers , according to Bratislava radio .
15 Students pursuing MPhil or PhD degrees in the department will be given the opportunity of attending postgraduate MSc courses taught as part of the Scottish Doctoral Programme ( a collaborative venture involving all eight Scottish universities and based at Glasgow , where the MSc component is taught ) .
16 I 'm sorry erm as far as the schools are concerned you had presumably a lot of contact I mean as part of the national curriculum is if if you like is to build contact with the community and the schools .
17 Success rates were generally low for questions which asked for knowledge of the decimal equivalent of common fractions : The answer 1.2 is suggestive of the view that a fraction a/b is equivalent to the decimal a.b .
18 The circuit 's owners , the exclusive British Racing Drivers ' Club , whose members include Nigel Mansell , Stirling Moss , James Hunt and Jackie Stewart , admit that they need to spend £15-20 million on the track if it is to continue as home of the British Grand Prix .
19 Only in Albania was the scenario of dynastic communism and vendetta carried on with more brutality and verve than in Romania , but at least there were two rival clans struggling for control of the Albanian Communist Party .
20 The irreconcilability of two such extremes in one group of human beings could only be explained as part of the great mystery of human personality .
21 For many of his supporters he could do no wrong and any semblance of wrong having been done was explained as part of the ecumenical conspiracy to defeat true Protestantism .
22 Trust goes for slice of the American pie
23 There is serious doubt about whether Italy can achieve the norms laid down by the Maastricht Treaty , and qualify for membership of the European Community single market next year and full monetary union by 1997 or later .
24 Vladimir Meciar was dismissed as head of the Slovak government on April 23 by the Presidium of the Slovak National Council ( parliament ) .
25 Their side-effects can be different from those of alcohol , and are considered in more detail in Chapter 15 , but similarly they can be mistakenly classified and thereafter dismissed as part of the normal process of growing old .
26 The Queen had already been informed ; this had been the purpose of his visit to Sandringham the previous day , which had generally been regarded as part of the normal routine , and not as marking any special occasion .
27 Such top managers should be regarded as part of the capitalist class since their position is qualitatively different from other employees .
28 It used to be thought that bonds should be included in a definition of the net worth of the private sector , but this has been challenged by R. J. Barro ( 1974 ) , who has argued that bonds should not be regarded as part of the net worth of the private sector since the non-monetary liabilities of the government are a burden on this generation and on future generations .
29 The goodness which their behaviour has created and which has given them their special places , may now be regarded as part of the Created God .
30 Those activities are greatly valued and should be regarded as part of the full professional role .
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