Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pron] [be] that the " in BNC.

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1 All I want to obtain from you is that the information the , that it will not be excluded around about the end , as soon as they take place .
2 He just reads their mail without them knowing it and the thing that would really appeal to him is that the companies he sets his sights on are actually paying him for delivering it ! ’
3 Yet for all that , the charge eagerly made against us was that the Government were set on abolishing the National Health Service and ‘ privatizing ’ health care .
4 ‘ What this says to me is that the middle and upper classes are being taught how to control the machine , and the lower class is being controlled by it , ’ he said .
5 After all , one way of looking at it is that the job of the community worker is no different in kind from that of a revolutionary cadre .
6 Another way of looking at it was that the basic form was a large lozenge consisting of a red hexagonal core surrounded by six brown triangular tips , or again , diagonal strips of ret hexagons kept in place by pairs of triangular brown wedges .
7 Yes erm now on erm Tuesday as I say we 've got five open races actually Peter , five open races on Tuesday , but erm one of the best erm things that happened to us is that the Pall Mall which is the biggest event erm in erm March , erm that 's being sponsored now by one of the track bookmakers called Max Thomas and the best thing about it is that erm he is erm putting in so much prize money with the major the supporting opens on our gala night , that erm there 's not a race worth in the open race , there 's not worth less than two hundred and erm there 's three races worth five hundred pounds each to the winner and the big race is worth five thousand so that 's an early erm plug for to keep in your diary , like the Pall Mall which is March the twenty third .
8 Er what is necessary for me to also convey to you is that the theme that I was given today was one of forgiveness .
9 The first reason to dispense with it is that the nation state itself is an expensive fiction , particularly in terms of its loss of human life .
10 Yeah the the way it was put to me was that the Pembroke Hall would be part of the deal er but that the Isle of Man company was not particularly enthusiastic about having the er the the the poison pill of the Pembroke Hall wrapped in with the deal cos it does n't make money .
11 Yeah we have a little bit of new material , we always get every year you 'll get about you know eight or ten good new songs that people write and the one good thing about the people who write for us is that the songs sound like they 're they 're old songs which is ideal you know .
12 The crucial point to notice about it is that the entities whose ‘ fitnesses ’ are being compared are no longer individual organisms , but populations of organisms .
13 Mr Christie , in an exclusive interview with TODAY , said at the time : ‘ When I saw Sue in prison , almost the first thing she said to me was that the sentence was wrong . ’
14 Often the most one can learn from them is that the student stuck out the course and actually learned enough to pass the examination , retaining what he learned long enough to get it down on paper .
15 All I would say to you is that the very small primary schools I not only have to doubt the financial viability , but I personally sometimes would doubt that the National Curriculum can be delivered to a school where you 've got an age range between five and eleven and you 've only got thirty or forty children , and that is a personal point of view , which I have , erm having seen many of our schools , and I believe that the problems that some of our large urban schools have , with thirty to a class packed in , is also something we should address and give careful thought to when we are resourcing education .
16 And what the force will say to us is that the force has overall priorities and they take precedent and that is to get sixty four P Cs back on the street , and our problems they will be looking to us for imaginative solutions
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