Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pron] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A bees ' nest has only a single entrance , so air can not be made to flow through it as it does through a prairie dog 's tunnel .
2 Educational technology is a theory and a set of hypotheses ; it is a habit of mind , and a readily applicable methodology ; it is far too early to claim for it that it has a large body of accepted practice .
3 He somehow managed to pound down to Kouklia on Chennaa , half by night and half by blazing day , and crossing the island was able to see for himself that it had been a more settled and prosperous year .
4 We used to , we , that 's all the as the village life was , it was it was all very now I know it 's very interesting , my daughter wants me to write a book about it , she says , I said I 'll oh I do n't know mm , write a memoirs mum she said er , you know and I said you know a lot about New Invention , which I do but it 's Willenhall you 're interested in , but it all sort or entails the lot and erm there might be things I 've can I wish I 'd have told you if I can think about them after it 's finished , but it 's erm .
5 Seddon knew more about the Ingard-Stavanger case than I did , because , being an ex-chief of the Fraud Squad , he 'd been consulted about it before it came to us , and had , in fact , directed the preliminary police inquiries .
6 forget about it but it does n't matter mind .
7 She wanted so much to remain with him on the terms which had always existed between them , did not want the wealth and consequence of her real life to come between them before it needed to .
8 It added : ‘ On average water services cost each household 46p a day for delivering 840 pints of water and safely disposing of it after it has been used .
9 The main thing is they do n't inform you of what 's happening now until it 's happened and then they say , oh well , we did n't need to consultate with you cos it does n't affect your members .
10 They 'll be able to hide under it when it rains .
11 Or until some high-flying fighter pilot fired a cannon shell into it and it fell , deflated , back to earth .
12 It all started with the idea of re-establishing the archive of the Verein Berliner Kunstlerinnen ( Association of Women Artists in Berlin ) which was destroyed during the second world war and developed into a journey of discovery , which has reached this point with the following achievements : 1200 women artists on record ; many works discovered ; the archive set up ; a profusely illustrated catalogue ( in fact the word catalogue does not give an idea of the range of articles contained in it since it covers the history of women artists in German-speaking countries , to art-business oriented articles , to facets of the history of the association , followed by a chronological development of the association and a full catalogue of the works on show , divided into sections , as they are in the exhibition ) ; a dictionary with short biographies of 1200 artists and 700 friends of art called Kathe , Paula und der ganze Rest — Ein Nachschlagewerk ( Kathe , Paula and the rest of the bunch ! — A Reference Book ) , which has caused something of a stir ; and of course , finally , the exhibition showing the works of 70 of the members and guests of the association over its 125 year life , which includes 250 works loaned by 100 institutions and individuals .
13 Although the western consensus based on the traditional liberal interpretation has now broken down , many of the most distinguished scholars in the field remain firmly committed to it and it continues to inform conventional wisdom among non-specialists in the West .
14 After the ceremony , she and Ludovico went to Chiesa Santo Spirito , at the end of their road , where Ludovico had arranged for them to be blessed , explaining to her that it had no religious significance and did not endanger her non-Catholic soul .
15 Yeah well we did n't concentrate on it when it started actually , we was all talking were n't we ?
16 In fact , it never occurred to me that it made a difference until I was in a trial and a scout said ‘ We 're quite interested in the coloured lad ’ and that was the first time I realized they thought of me as anything other than my name .
17 And it occurred to him that it had almost always been like that : he the serious and thoughtful one , and the one he loved mostly careless and unconcerned .
18 His first impression was that somebody had started to construct a small harbour , but then he saw a shallow groove cut in the face of the cliff which must at one time have accommodated a pipe , and it occurred to him that it had probably been a sewage outfall .
19 Techniques vary but it is important to work at them until it becomes automatic so that , when the time comes , you do n't need to think about it too much .
20 On one of the islands he saw a shaggy water rat ; he shouted at it and it slid into the water and swam away with only the top of its head showing .
21 All the day before , she had waited for half an hour to go off walking by herself and it had never come .
22 It was much more , he thought as he moved the boiling pan off the stove and on to the floor , trying to ignore the unholy smell of bleach that came off it as it sloshed against the sides of the vessel , that he had simply woken up one morning and realized , to use a phrase a friend had used about someone else 's wife , ‘ what he had got hold of ’ .
23 Llewelyn felt the chill shudder through her before it died in his heart .
24 I do n't want you to talk about her if it hurts .
25 ‘ I had my top made for me and it cost £70 .
26 ‘ Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it and it means that the athletes from Durham and Cumbria will not get a second chance of achieving the English Schools qualifying standards . ’
27 But how d' ya feel about it once it 's repaired ?
28 When in Colossians 1:9ff Paul prays for Christians he has never met , his first request is that the Spirit would give them understanding of the Lord 's will for their lives ; then , that they should live their lives in accordance with that will by pleasing the Lord in everything ; then , that they should increase in their knowledge of God ; and finally , that they should be strengthened with all might according to the measure of his glorious power which should result for them as it did for Christ , not in arrogance but in patience and longsuffering .
29 I should be quite content , I thought , to live here for ever , smelling the cooking and the lavatory and the dust , looking forward to my two slices of bread at lunch or tea and my Red Cross stew at supper , thinking about all the books I am going to read and how nice it is going to be when I can speak German and Russian fluently ; I only want to be allowed to live , and enjoy the sun when it shines , and wait for it when it goes behind a cloud .
30 ‘ It is just not practical to have 80 homeless people living here with one warden looking after them and it seems to us that the council have just shot into this without thinking . ’
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