Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pron] [coord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 forget about it but it does n't matter mind .
2 Or until some high-flying fighter pilot fired a cannon shell into it and it fell , deflated , back to earth .
3 Although the western consensus based on the traditional liberal interpretation has now broken down , many of the most distinguished scholars in the field remain firmly committed to it and it continues to inform conventional wisdom among non-specialists in the West .
4 On one of the islands he saw a shaggy water rat ; he shouted at it and it slid into the water and swam away with only the top of its head showing .
5 All the day before , she had waited for half an hour to go off walking by herself and it had never come .
6 ‘ I had my top made for me and it cost £70 .
7 ‘ Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it and it means that the athletes from Durham and Cumbria will not get a second chance of achieving the English Schools qualifying standards . ’
8 ‘ It is just not practical to have 80 homeless people living here with one warden looking after them and it seems to us that the council have just shot into this without thinking . ’
9 You may choke on it but it screams ‘ success ’ to the multinationals .
10 And that 's what she done to hers and it looks really nice .
11 When 40-year-old Australian Jack Brabham won the World Championship in 1966 , he became the first man to win the title in a car manufactured by himself and it reaped the rewards of a gamble he took five years earlier when he left Cooper to develop his own Grand Prix car .
12 It went out , the press got behind it and it began turning into something .
13 It was not quite what she envisaged for herself but it had the advantage of being cheap and it went some way towards satisfying Grace , who was convinced that London was a den of iniquity waiting to swallow up her unsuspecting daughter .
14 I thought I 'd got over it but it seems to have come back .
15 And Seve 's back was a real pain — the cold got to it and it troubled him so much that we had to go and find a physiotherapist .
16 You go along thinking you know exactly what everything is , and then you stop and look at it and it does n't make any sense and you think maybe it only made any sense in the first place because everyone was pretending it did .
17 Some people are very wary of machines : " I only have to look at it and it breaks down . "
18 The official regatta has virtually nothing to do with it but it does give farmers with riverside frontage an extra source of income … which has reached six figures , although not this year .
19 ‘ Being the eternal replacement is not only a bit boring in itself but it does damage .
20 He never knew , from one meeting to the next , what he might discover in her and it astonished him .
21 ‘ We never saw anything he videoed on it and it does n't seem to be here .
22 Written and signed by you and it 's witnessed by some independent witnesses .
23 This was a side of her nature that she 'd kept hidden from me but it made me realise my feelings were justified .
24 We 'll have to get him out and pay for it and it 's worked total dividends !
25 Those disciples , they had the storm stilled for them and it got easier sailing .
26 But they decided against it and it went again in October .
27 yeah I think that 's probably the best thing and gradually the past you 've missed might start fitting into place as it were you know if you , if you keep up with the present , I think that 's probably the best thing so er and , you know , er I know it 's no comfort but these things take time , you know it takes time to get socialized into something and it takes time to get used to a way of working .
28 ‘ I started with nothing and it did n't do any harm , ’ she said , in the look-at-me-now manner of the comfortably off .
29 A formal concept since 1923 , millions of American dollars have been spent on it and it has been virtually complete for years .
30 Bloody hurt it bruises , you sit on it and it does n't , I thought I might , I suppose after a while you 'll get blisters but it 's bruised , when you sit on the bloody thing .
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