Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [noun] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 After I introduced the hemp earlier the fish seemed to go off the feed so I only introduced it for four or five casts .
2 Desert Orchid 's owner Richard Burridge said : ‘ Yes , I 've heard about the plan but I do n't know exact details . ’
3 I do n't think for a minute that I can work them out in movies .
4 But do n't think for a moment that I 'm duped by my own little lies . ’
5 And I do n't think for a moment that I 'm alone in feeling this way .
6 I was n't going to court to get the order reduced , just stopped for a while until I get a job .
7 I even got to the point where I was an approved parliamentary candidate , but I never applied for a seat so I ca n't say I was ever rejected ! ’
8 You know cos the woman I was with wanted to go for a swim and I said no you ca n't this guy , so I went up to him , I said what , what on earth are you fishing for ?
9 My first memory is of falling off a rather high bed at the age of three years on the evening that my parents had moved into a house near the top of Hampstead Heath , and of my Father going off on his bicycle to search for a doctor as I had cut my head .
10 I think erm yo e you know you asked about the support and I think having identified that there was a gap in the support in
11 She said : ‘ He asked about the bureau and I said I had nowhere to put the things from it so he went into the wardrobe and cleared a shelf and said put it in there .
12 ‘ Now dear , ’ said Mum ‘ Your brother asked for the salt and I suggest that it might be polite if you were to do what he asked . ’
13 ‘ John goes for the foliage and I buy flowers ’ said Claudia , who likes bargains and does n't mind a few surprises .
14 who was at Cambuslang at that time , commented " He seems hurt at being asked to preach as a candidate and I sympathize with him in this , as I think candidating and preaching contests are the most objectional things conceivable , and also the least satisfactory way possible of getting good ministers as a rule good men who have done their work well will not preach as candidates for myself I never in my life either preached as a candidate , offered for a parish or got a certificate . "
15 Conversation lulled for an hour until I was almost asleep , then Mick said , ‘ D' you still feel hungry ? ’
16 Of course Matt was regarded as the prize and I suppose I was flattered when he became serious with me — or seemed to . ’
17 She told The Universe , the Catholic weekly : ‘ I am praying for the family and I feel very sorry for them .
18 Erm t th certainly it makes me really angry that people have to struggle for the basics and I you know I I just do n't see how people who are on long term benefits , erm state benefits , can survive without getting into serious debt .
19 Well , I sat in that room and saw this fantastic-looking man come through the door and I just did n't believe it .
20 I saw her walking through the harbour and I followed .
21 He thought , They had forgotten for a moment that I 'm a policeman .
22 Sylvia had rung up me about booking for a meal and I thought , originally they talked about going a Friday night , and they said , Friday and Saturday are fully booked for the next five weeks .
23 It got incredibly painful , and in bed at night I could hear a munching sound , definitely coming from me , which stopped for a bit if I touched the swelling .
24 I trained as a lawyer and I think that helps .
25 and they 're going in my neck but I do n't wan na turn over cos she 'll fall off the bed and I 'm sort of going just on me and she 's really funny .
26 However , I must break that rule this morning and apologise for the fact that I have an extremely heavy cold , which will make the delivery of my speech a long process — and even longer for the House , which has to be detained in listening to it .
27 I apologise for the fact that I heard only about 40 minutes of the Minister of Agriculture 's speech .
28 I used to work for a furniture and I always had the King 's Lynn I think was always easier
29 I went on the road when I was 19 , I needed to come off the road so I knew who I was .
30 ‘ I do not suppose , however , that you will be applying for the position so I shall wait for Alain to send a few people here for me to see .
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