Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] [coord] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 He complained that his design had been criticized for deficient lighting but he had shown the Committee that his windows were larger than those in sixteen or seventeen well-known classical buildings in London .
2 I do n't know who or what Wide Awake heard during that week but it certainly did n't originate in the Lower Ormeau .
3 Because clearly in in debating this policy I think a number of the districts have also raised diff different points of interest in terms of what should be recognized as exceptional development and we we went down that that road a couple of years ago and unfortunately the districts came to the conclusion that it was n't appropriate to try and list the exceptional circumstances .
4 ‘ Well , ’ said the executive , ‘ if things keep going on the way they are , I 'll be there some day catching for that guy and I want to make sure I know his curves . ’
5 The trial was expected to continue for some time and it was widely believed that evidence would be given which would incriminate politicians still active .
6 She perceives the symbolism underlying stories from a mythology which can be regarded as patriarchal propaganda and she deconstructs established meanings to effect a shift in emphasis .
7 The Local Government ( Miscellaneous Provisions ) Act 1976 is not designed for that purpose and it is dubious whether it could be used in that way .
8 The male then looks for another mate and he may escort as many as five females through the nest .
9 Browse through this brochure and you will begin to see what we mean .
10 this standard differed for each category and it is difficult to see how it could be translated into a more general form .
11 So she 's walking past this church and she says if anyone can help me , God can help me .
12 I had no idea you did n't approve of go-go dancing or I 'd never have taken you there . ’
13 Triggering of the various traps in the program occurred with surprising frequency and it was difficult to obtain an exposure value .
14 Backease inserts fit into any shoe and they can be washed .
15 During the nineteenth century it was de rigueur to think that the Universe was filled with a sort of stuff called the luminiferous aether : disagree with that notion and you could say farewell to your hopes of a professorship .
16 This role he discharged with great success and it was probably the most notable feature of his time as Treasury Solicitor .
17 I do n't know how many other people booked with this company but they should be warned . ’
18 So she said , I 'll show you to your bedroom and there was two sisters , and she says , you sleep in that bed and you sleep in that bed .
19 Certainly they are powerful examples of how meditations on the Passion were designed to work in inner experience and they illuminate aspects of the " form " of contemplative living in ways characteristic of Rolle .
20 The Drowning Pool , that 's Paul Newman and , and Janet erm , Joanne Woodward , that 's the one where you get trapped in this place and it 's filling with water .
21 Firstly , thank you very much Kevin , for the tribute , but there 's a heck of a lot more people need their names included in that list and I think one of them 's just joined it .
22 The truly effective manager is aware of the performance levels that can be expected from each individual and he has helped them to define their own targets .
23 I think there 's more to love than just simply romantic love erm , I 'm a volunteer campaigner with Oxfam and to me love includes love of my fellow man and fellow women throughout the world and I find it very hard at the moment that millions of people are starving in this world and I feel that I 've got to show my love by helping them
24 The coat is thick , soft and fairly long , especially in winter , and the thickness is retained in cold weather ; the coat is shed in warmer weather and it remains sleek in hot climates .
25 This matter was not pursued in great detail and I remained unconvinced that this defence could be made out .
26 But ask them why they interact in this way and they will eventually pass you on to a scientist who ( no matter how many equations they might try to confuse you with ) in the end can only say ‘ Well , that 's the way things are ’ .
27 If … one prescient soul at your level , say , early in 1982 , … really had thought ministers should be forced to meet on this issue and they kept postponing discussions on the Falklands , could you as Permanent Secretary of Defence have ensured that relevant Cabinet ministers did get together and look at the problem rationally and seriously , in so far as it 's possible , in time ?
28 ‘ Right , Piper , we 'll forget the bloody left , right , left , right , routine , ’ snarls the Sergeant , ‘ When I knock on this door and you hear someone say ‘ come in' ’ , you go in , turn right , and salute .
29 We 're driving down this road and I said well Pisa 's down here
30 They all paid a fortune to come on this trip and they 're entitled not to be upset . ’
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