Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But it is the starting point of this doctrine , and only if we are prepared , to start where the Bible starts are we likely to know in experience anything of the higher reaches of the Spirit 's work .
2 Luigi pretended to cuff him across the ear .
3 Now he has to content himself with the fact that the only replica of a Captain Cook ship he has been involved in was one built for the new shopping centre in Middlesbrough eight years ago .
4 Introduced by the government for the first time in the Local Government Bill , the county consists of only two districts and is dominated by Cardiff which at the time contained ‘ just about the only pocket of Conservative Party strength in south Wales ’ ( Wond 1976 : 127 ) .
5 Picked by Cook herself in the kitchen garden , ’ said Inspector Milsom with evident approval .
6 The court held that the section applied to people who in the course of a trade or business applied false trade descriptions and that that could include the buyer .
7 Hers is a vulnerable yet crucial role as negotiator between difference : typically she is one who refuses to outcast herself from the black community and family , because aware of its value and importance , yet by virtue of that same tact subjected within them to sexual discrimination : ‘ we straddle the fence that says we can not be uplifters of the race and lesbians at the same time ’ ( ‘ Talking about It ’ , 54 ) .
8 In the end , several firms undertook penicillin production on a massive scale , but hardly any ever came to Florey himself for the clinical trials which he was desperate to extend .
9 In the case of Augustus we are lucky enough to have the text of The Achievements of the Divine Augustus , which was inscribed on public buildings all over the Roman world and may have been written by Augustus himself during the course of his reign .
10 The request for release from monstrous tyranny is made by Eirena herself to the Faerie Queene , whose champion Artegall is .
11 The sting of this question was to some extent drawn for Schleiermacher himself by the fact that he so closely identified immediate self-consciousness with God-consciousness as to believe that he had found a real and solid bridge between the two sides of the matter .
12 She looked a little worn and bleary-eyed , though her long , lion-coloured hair shone like health itself in the brassy sunlight of mid-day .
13 He would try and remember to post it in the Sandyford Toll Receiving House on the way back , if nothing else intervened .
14 He grabbed my tie and I thought he was going to nut me in the face .
15 A more integrated approach to the environment has also been preferred by Coates who during the 1970s , which he characterized as the Environmental Decade , edited a volume ( Coates , 1971 ) on Environmental Geomorphology , which was defined as :
16 The weapon was old as the world and deadly as poison , a shard of the fatal weapon forged by Vaul himself for the death god Khaela-Mensha-Khaine , a fragment of crystallised death capable of slaying daemons and gods alike .
17 Was it based upon assumptions which in the event have not been realised ?
18 Once the early morning jobs were done there was a relaxing of discipline , and when the family returned from church everyone on the staff , from Mr Priddy down to the newest domestic , was invited to the second-best parlour to receive a small present .
19 Darlington council must decide by mid-March which of the companies bidding for the contract to repair the leisure centre will do the work .
20 Darlington Council must decide by mid-March which of the building companies bidding for the contract to repair the town 's Dolphin Centre will do the work .
21 This bias was no doubt at least partially a reflection of the haphazard organization of policing in Britain itself at the beginning of the nineteenth century .
22 Where the problem arises is in the comparatively rare situation in which an adult patient declines to consent to treatment which in the clinical judgment of those attending him is necessary if irreparable damage is not to be done to his health or , in some cases , if his life is to be saved .
23 Even so , I had been surprised when he agreed to back me on the amateur circuit for one year after I left the university .
24 He turned to look at her , his glance intended to skewer her to the spot , forcing her to clutch self-consciously at the kimono she had slipped on while she had a nap after the arduous car journey into the mountains with Peter just now .
25 In my concern as Chairman of the Board was that er if very few people turned up then perhaps people might say that we did n't go around go about advertising it in the correct way what I think we actually did I 'm not sure how many people are here this evening , but I should think it 's somewhere in the region of about hundred and , hundred and fifty , so I hope that the meeting this evening sort of cross representation people actually use facilities which the playhouse offers .
26 yeah he 's talked to me actually as well about dealing with people who from the inside have dealt working with him doing royal visits because obviously that 's quite useful a lesson for them to get over to people
27 I went to post it in the index book I 've got it 's stopped it 's been in
28 The best concise history of the singer was penned by Morrissey himself in the December 24 issue of Sounds .
29 In 1651 the Dutch republic forbade its diplomats to accept gifts from foreign governments ; and in 1692 regulations were issued in Sweden which for the first time specified the value of those to be given to foreign representatives on their departure .
30 This year Farnborough also has a skate scene emerging from Farnborough itself for the first time since about 1981 .
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