Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [noun] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Eastern Airlines , the sixth-largest airline in the USA , also registered for Chapter 11 protection on Jan. 18 , and all its aircraft were grounded pending a possible sale .
2 As a result of that and later Directives there are now many cases in which the Registrar must cause to be published in the Gazette notice that he has received for registration various types of documents .
3 Finally , two additional lines of evidence strongly emphasize the importance of the inverted repeat for sequence specific binding of CytR .
4 The next meeting of the village housing sub-committee is arranged for Monday 21st June at in the C E School at 7.30 pm .
5 Greenways A meeting has been arranged for Thursday 1st April in the Gibson Craig Hall , Currie , P. Hawkins will attend this meeting .
6 Greenways A meeting has been arranged for Thursday 1st April in the Gibson Craig Hall , Currie , P. Hawkins will attend this meeting .
7 A meeting has been arranged for Thursday 27th May in Scorton C E School at 7.30 p.m .
8 POLICE , forensic and bomb squad officers were continuing to search for clues last night at a gas depot hit by an explosion and fire which had all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack .
9 Are both aspirin and heparin justified as adjuncts tothrombolytic therapy for acute myocardialinfarction ?
10 A 42 year old man was referred for ERCP 55 days after a complicated laparoscopic cholecystectomy .
11 A 43 year old woman was referred for ERCP 70 days after uneventful laparoscopic removal of a shrunken gall bladder .
12 A 33 year old obese woman was referred for ERCP 34 days after uneventful laparoscopic removal of a chronically inflamed gall bladder , containing one stone .
13 A 35 year old woman was referred for ERCP seven days after uneventful laparoscopic cholecystectomy .
14 He has certainly not done enough to meet the pre-emptive judgment of the likes of Lord Lawson , who this week , when it was too late to change anything , asked for £6 billion worth of extra taxes more or less immediately .
15 The seven are : Taiwan and Thailand ( designated as Priority Foreign Countries in 1992 ) ; Italy , Korea , Poland , the Philippines , and Turkey . ’
16 The answer is that after mating they produce a tiny mobile larvae totally different to the adult this might drift for miles on ocean current before settling into the fixed adult form Down Norwick power station in North Wales , generates the electricity by pump storage , in off peak hours thousands of gallons of water are pumped from a lower lake to an upper lake , when the demand for electricity is high bowels are opened and water falls back through turbine to the lower lake again , this generates the power To ensure that the lower lake would never flood the was diverted through mile long tunnel in the mountain side , no one knew for certain how the salmon , the trout and even rarer that used to migrate up the old river would cope with the tunnels , pitch darkness and slow flowing water .
17 Russians would regard as treason any switch of alliance against them , whilst in the steppe lands , particularly , switches occurred regularly .
18 The intelligence source which had originally tipped off West German police about the group 's activities claimed that five bombs had been made .
19 After five trips to Wembley in recent seasons , Tranmere Rovers head for Italy next week for their first competitive match in Europe .
20 Spanish press comment detected in the handling of the affair an ongoing struggle between Prime Minister and PSOE secretary-general Felipe González and supporters of Alfonso Guerra , who had resigned as Deputy Prime Minister in January 1991 but continued as PSOE deputy secretary-general [ see p. 37968 ] .
21 And as crime figures soar , Labour has for months poured scorn on the Tory claim to be the party of law and order .
22 Moore has had a nightmare season after signing for Scarborough last summer on his return from playing in Europe .
23 They have reported for example that fear of strangers may peak anywhere between 6 and 12 months ; that it varies in onset and intensity according to the child 's sex , its rank in the family , the number of people it meets regularly , its attachment to its mother and her responsiveness , and the age , size and sex of the stranger ; that it is different in the laboratory from at home .
24 Parents find it extremely difficult to provide even the basic necessities for life today , and certainly when you begin to think of the sort of things that most children in this country have on a day-to-day basis — an ice cream , a trip to the swimming baths and so on — these families do n't er it 's a major crisis to provide for example sixty pence as entry to a swimming pool .
25 For some reason I was unable to fathom , all the girls in my class at secondary school headed for Aviemore each weekend with the singular task of losing their virginity .
26 Nor should the novelty be exaggerated of abolitionists advancing petitions from a relatively popular base and on grounds of the general interest in 1788 — relatively popular because calculation from Drescher 's estimate of 60,000 signatures in 1788 suggests an average of 600 signatures per petition and , with Manchester producing 10,639 , some were clearly much smaller than the average .
27 A left-wing minority of the Greens wanted to avoid contributing towards FN electoral success by maintaining a Green candidate on the second ballot of elections .
28 Relief agencies estimated that approximately 200 people were dying of starvation each week in the Ogaden in the remote south-east , according to reports from mid-October ; malnutrition had sharply increased , with the death rate rising to 12 per 10,000 daily since August , when aid workers had warned of a worsening situation [ see p. 39042 ] .
29 Champions NESTON travel to NORTHERN after picking up four wins out of five while NEW BRIGHTON skipper Tim Watkins ' keeps faith with the side that drew with Liverpool last week for the trip to ORMSKIRK .
30 The seven-day operation of the station was already discontinued with staff working Monday to Friday .
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