Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] rather [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A report commissioned in March [ see p. 38822 ] published on July 2 described LMX underwriters as showing " seriously flawed " judgment in assessing the risks involved , while the repeated reinsurance risks of other Lloyd 's syndicates meant that risks became concentrated rather than spread across the market .
2 He seemed amused rather than offended by Ellen 's defiance .
3 For the investor who decides to buy direct rather than invest via a gilt unit trust , which may have a front end charge of 6 p.c. plus an annual management fee , the cheapest buying route is via the Post Office .
4 The Argive krater is far smaller than the Attic amphora ; and it looks as though Athenian artists preferred to monumentalise vase-painting rather than venture into the new world of free painting .
5 You should be careful how you use them because the audience may read these rather than listen to you .
6 She could still hear the pounding of the waves on the rocks below , but felt lulled rather than threatened by the muffled boom , accepting it as an inescapable sound on an island surrounded by the Atlantic ocean .
7 A GP , during a seven-minute consultation , may form a provisional hypothesis early on , rather than running through the whole gamut of possible examinations or tests ; the engineer tracing a fault may have a hierarchy of probable causes in his mind and investigate these rather than embark on a text-book linear analysis .
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