Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] over [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This then opens , and flies high over the ship from the end of a strong cable .
2 The 58-year-old screen legend took an overdose of sleeping pills after becoming distraught over the fate of a flock of sheep left to starve .
3 Soon , thought Melissa sadly , it would be the turn of Uncle Vittorio and Aunt Rosina to stand sorrowing over the grave of their niece .
4 A rash then became visible over the whole of the patient 's body and extending on to her limbs ; this was an erythema and not a purpura .
5 An Air Canada plane came low over the river in line for Glasgow airport .
6 salesman 's gon na do that over a period of time .
7 So you open it up and you find which is your sterile bit and you put that over the point of the elbow and you can bring that once around and you can ask her to hold it for you , if you like
8 Cambridge dominated the game and should have gone further ahead in the 76th minute when John Francis broke free , only to blaze high over the bar from the edge of the box .
9 We may explain the fact that the production units of a particular industry have grown larger over a period of time by appealing to the economies this yields , and in doing so claim that a cause ( increase in scale ) occurred because of its propensity to have a certain effect ( economies of scale ) .
10 Clearly , one can not take price movements in southern England as a precise indication of population change even there , let alone over the country as a whole , but it would be extraordinary if variations in population were not an important factor affecting them , even taking into account the vagaries of individual harvests .
11 Her fingers spread wider over the top of Thomas 's curly head , shielding him from view .
12 Again , for simplicity we shall assume that the price level is believed to remain unchanged over the period of the contract , so we can write :
13 A hawk had swooped low over the field of play , picked up the ball in its claws and flown off with it .
14 If the material is being used on a table or flat surface , it means that in order to use it at a close distance from the eye , the head is bent low over the book in order to try to discriminate the print .
15 If they were able to do this over the course of the whole meal-time they received a sticker on the chart .
16 The next day , push the fins into the marzipan , starting at the head with the smaller triangles , getting larger over the back of the body , and then smaller towards the tip of the tail .
17 Reporting of this kind had become familiar over the fighting in this area .
18 McDunn really wants to help , I can see that , but he 's under pressure , too ; the circumstantial evidence against me is so strong people who do n't know the details of the case are getting impatient over the lack of progress .
19 ‘ Then she flew high over the site of Callanish above the men and the fallen bodies of her kind which were scattered over the site .
20 Melt the butter and brush some over the base of a large , deep square or round baking tin or oven dish .
21 She spluttered into her hands , staring wide-eyed over the top of her fingers .
22 Resting his weight on his bended knee , he was staring motionless over a precipice towards the lake .
23 Even though the epidermis appears to be stretched taut over the surface of a structure such as a growing limb bud , its response to wounding is to close over the lesion , rather than to gape more widely .
24 In 1991 the problems were at National Environmental Testing , the United States pollution testing arm , which fell into the red in the second half and broke even over the year as a whole .
25 Other changes in structure developed more slowly , but although the pattern looked different over a period of a few years , analogues of the basic groups seem to have been present ever since the phenomenon of the contemporary football fan arose in the middle to late 1960s .
26 It catalogued ‘ positively dangerous ’ work practices , poor management , inadequate training and supervision and inherent weakness in the safety culture of BR in a list of 16 separate ‘ relevant errors ’ where things had gone wrong over a number of years .
27 The Test of Professional Competence , for building surveyors , first introduced in 1973 , has remained unchanged over a period during which many other changes both technological and sociological have taken place within the Division .
28 But cistern-drenched wheat and barley had burst yellow over the plain of the Messaoria , and the sickles twinkled and chimed as , booted and belled , harvesters strode to their work among serpents .
29 You do n't want them emerging with the queasy feeling they could get whacked over the head on their way back to the car .
30 A particular scene appeared before her eyes : her father is sitting hunched over a pile of torn photographs , and Agnes 's sister is shouting at him : ‘ Why have you torn up Mother 's pictures ?
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