Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] as [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Huy felt anger rise into his mouth , but he made himself remain calm as he described the dead girl from the land of the Twin Rivers .
2 Society founder the Rev Ian Gregory encountered Norman as he toured the region for eight days in a study commissioned by the Northumbria Tourist Board .
3 She tried hard not to appear self-conscious as she greeted the doorman at IMP 's headquarters where she worked .
4 The surface was badly pockmarked and the car bumped and bounced over the uneven thoroughfare , its journey only becoming smoother as they reached the main road that would lead them into Chichester itself .
5 ‘ We said too much and not enough ; I ca n't believe you really think I intend that both you and Dana — ’ He came to an abrupt halt , and she felt her face grow hot as she remembered the accusation she had flung at him .
6 After he had taken his fill and sampled everything , he would then collect a jug of ale from the pantry and depart along the hallway with the tap-tap of his walking cane making an ominous rhythm on the tiled floor ; the sound becoming muffled as he made the difficult journey up the wide ornate staircase to his bedroom .
7 We became alarmed as he turned the car towards El Gala bridge and the city .
8 And got heavier as they left the small station and straggled down a steep , cinder path .
9 Crossley 's mouth dropped open as he saw the taller man pull a gun into view .
10 ‘ Is n't there anything you can do ? ’ asked Comfort , her slaty eyes darkening and her nose looking sharp as she absorbed the shock .
11 I say , looking back to see Andy coming up the hill behind me , suddenly slowing and looking wary as he sees the man .
12 Relax your body and let your breathing become easier as you feel the tension flow out of you .
13 The nipples stiffened and she squeezed her breasts through the silk , her breathing growing heavier as she kneaded the sensitive buds with her fingers , her excitement growing rapidly .
14 ‘ Look , ’ Forester said urgently , and Carson could imagine his knuckles going white as he gripped the payphone receiver hard in an attempt to get his point across , ‘ my chance at having a kid 's been ruined , and the police and the government have got their heads together to cover up for the killer . ’
15 Fran drew back as though he had struck her , her face going pale as she saw the amusement on his face as he continued to study her .
16 He could see Conker 's large rump with the scruffy outdoor tail swishing as the pony grazed , one ear towards him , the foam round his bit turning green as he munched the soft grass .
17 You mentioned erm tumours , in fact you get this as I said the same picture with , with X-rays as you get with magnetic resonance imaging , but what is different about tumours apparently is that the erm relaxation time with which the erm nuclei move erm varies erm according to whether a cell is , is cancerous or not .
18 Thanks to years of neglect , both pathways get rougher as they approach the gatehouse .
19 Satan ran back and forth on the line a few times , snout quivering as it tasted the delicious scent trace .
20 They have acquired the ability to read much as they acquired the ability to speak , effortlessly , ‘ informally ’ , and often unnoticed .
21 Lightning forked across the black belly of the clouds , and the rock that had moved as I was negotiating the bend had disappeared into the gorge below , the torrent running smooth as it lipped the broken edge of the old roadway .
22 ‘ Once the novelty 's worn off , everywhere 's just like home , ’ she said , remembering the brief , pure joy of strange hotel rooms , which gradually became familiar as you unpacked the things you 'd brought with you and acquired the kind of things you were wont to acquire , so that very soon you recognized yourself in your surroundings and understood that there was no escape .
23 Juliet 's throat felt dry as she poured the tea in silence .
24 The baby was awake but fell asleep as they reached the house .
25 A smell of incense grew strong as they approached the immense triple portico of the Cathedral , begun in the French style two hundred years ago .
26 The café looked deserted as I approached the front door .
27 Leading scorer Paul Wilkinson struck his 20th goal of the season against his former club but looked glum as he left the dressing room .
28 Kate looked bewildered as she watched the memories of amusement and sadness play over his face .
29 Gabriel felt sick as he realized the horrible truth .
30 At first the Empire knights looked unstoppable as they drove the Goblin wolf riders from the field , but soon both sides became embroiled in hand-to-hand combat where the Knights ' lances were hindered by the close press of warriors .
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